FDA rules ingredient in Benadryl, Robitussin, and Sudafed ‘is not effective’ and may pull products from shelves – IOTW Report

FDA rules ingredient in Benadryl, Robitussin, and Sudafed ‘is not effective’ and may pull products from shelves

Phenylephrine gained popularity in the early 2000s as a replacement for pseudoephedrine, the decongestant used in Sudafed, which was moved behind the pharmacy counter in 2006 in an attempt to curb its misuse as an ingredient to make methamphetamine.  – NBC.

Blaze: A review by the Food and Drug Administration declared that a common ingredient in over-the-counter cold and flu medication is not effective and could cause big brands to have to reformulate their medicine.

A two-day review by an FDA panel ruled that phenylephrine, the most common active compound in many brands of cold medication, is “not effective” at standard or high doses compared to a placebo, the Daily Mail reported. The ruling only applies to oral formulations of the ingredient.

Products that could be pulled off shelves or would need to be reformulated include: Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion, Sudafed PE, Robitussin Peak Cold Nighttime Nasal Relief, Vicks Nyquil Severe Cold and Flu, Advil Allergy and Congestion Relief, Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe Day & Night, and more.

FDA officials reportedly presented data that claimed the drugs that use the ingredients generated $1.8 billion in 2022.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a board member for Pfizer, complained on X that the decision could drive up the costs of medicine for consumers. more

28 Comments on FDA rules ingredient in Benadryl, Robitussin, and Sudafed ‘is not effective’ and may pull products from shelves

  1. It didn’t “gain popularity.” The FDA shamed everyone by putting the USEFUL DRUG behind the counter, so states made it illegal without a prescription (like USELESS Mississippi), and made you show ID just to purchase it. Oh, and be careful if you purchase too much in a give period or the cops will show up at your door. Of course the replacement was useless. Its call FRAUD, and EVERY DRUG MAKER should be sued till there is NOTHING LEFT to take for their fraud. And the FDA should finally be shuttered, defunded, and all employees thrown in prison for life for this any everything they have done since at least 2020.

  2. I am seeing comments that FDA is just pushing to the profitable drugs and vaccines.
    It’s amazing to watch the government agencies that were created specifically to ensure our safety do the exact opposite and sell out.

  3. Another step toward tyranny. I think all trust in the FDA and the CDC has been used up by now (along with most every governmental agency that exists). Just another effort to steer profits to politicians “friends” by limiting the market for such medication. If this isn’t clear to everyone by now they aren’t paying attention. Those people are bound and determined to try and control every aspect of American citizens lives, enrich themselves and destroy what little freedom we have left. They have no idea how close to the edge the majority of citizens are currently. Their war against the citizens has become unending and very tiresome.


    I’ve used Benadryl personally and professionally, for children and elderly, emergent and prophylactic, even in some cases on animals, and it is EFFECTIVE and has been for DECADES.

    There can only be two reasons they want to end it.

    Profits and poison.

    More profit for them, for forcing poison on US.

    The FakeVaxxx sure has them feeling their oats.

    The intention is most likely to outlaw everything that works in favor of stuff that enriches them while it kills US.

    At what point to we stop tolerating this?

    And how many will be left healthy enough to resist when we get there?

    …here’s a probable motivation. Im



    I’ve used Benadryl personally and professionally, for children and elderly, emergent and prophylactic, even in some cases on animals, and it is EFFECTIVE and has been for DECADES.

    There can only be two reasons they want to end it.

    Profits and poison.

    More profit for them, for forcing poison on US.

    The FakeVaxxx sure has them feeling their oats.

    The intention is most likely to outlaw everything that works in favor of stuff that enriches them while it kills US.

    At what point to we stop tolerating this?

    And how many will be left healthy enough to resist when we get there?

    …here’s a probable motivation. I’m sure you can think of others…


  6. The drug companies are still pissed when that Aussie doctor found stomach ulcers are caused by a bacteria and can be effectively treated with an antibiotic, making all their pricey ulcer medications useless.

  7. Yes, this is NOT about classic Benadryl which is an effective antihistamine and effective counter to allergic interactions. This is about the garbage they replaced highly effective pseudoephedrine with.

  8. The disingenuous repetition in various articles (GWP, Blaze, etc) of the “Benadryl ban” is flat out pissing me off. Plain Benadryl is diphenhydramine. Only the OTC Benadryl PLUS DECONGESTANT contains the useless crap. Mr Liberty and ChiGuy are exactly right.

  9. fuck it, just order ephedra seeds and grow the plant, if you’re in a climate that supports it, and make your own. so many medicines derived from everyday common plants, and it’s not that hard to make a compound or tincture. God provided it for a reason, we don’t need the pharma fuckers for many common ailments. if I lived a little further south I’d be planting acres of this right next to the hemp field. going to need a lot of cordage for rope in the future I think.

  10. The point is the FDA can ban, eliminate, substitute any drug they want to, whether it’s effective or not. Don’t forget, like the statist tyrants they are they banned Ivermectrin.


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