AOC lists fiancé as her ‘spouse’ on House forms — but office says she’s not married in likely breach of ethics rules – IOTW Report

AOC lists fiancé as her ‘spouse’ on House forms — but office says she’s not married in likely breach of ethics rules

NYP: Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has listed her fiancé, Riley Roberts, as her “spouse” in disclosure forms filed this year — but her office says the two have never been “legally married,” a likely breach of House ethics rules.

The Bronx and Queens lawmaker referred to Roberts as her “spouse” while describing their travels to Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Italy, according to legal filings to the House Ethics Committee first reported Wednesday by the Washington Free Beacon. MORE HERE

15 Comments on AOC lists fiancé as her ‘spouse’ on House forms — but office says she’s not married in likely breach of ethics rules

  1. I saw Reily last week at the hardware store buying a weed eater. I asked if he was doing lawn work and he said “No, Alexandria is doing her yearly pubic grooming.” He then went to get a pitchfork and hedge clippers.

    True story!

  2. Does she have to pay back the money she swindled from the taxpayers for her “husband’s” expenses on their junkets to Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Chile, Colombia. and Italy?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @ Tim – FJB WEDNESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 2023, 18:41 AT 6:41 PM

    “Does she have to pay back the money she swindled from the taxpayers for her “husband’s” expenses on their junkets to Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Chile, Colombia. and Italy?”

    Does she do the same thing when she travels to those places as xiden does when he goes to places like Ukraine, Romania and China?
    Is Riley AOC’s Hunter? Is the majority of Congress doing the exact same thing? Maybe not as in your face as xiden and for beginners like AOC on a smaller scale. We could probably make a large dent in the national debt if the Clintons paid back what they swindled.

    Fun little poll:

    Who do you think AOC will resemble after her first forty years in Congress?
    ) Diane Feinstein
    ) Hillary
    ) Pelosi
    ) Lori Lightfoot
    ) Mitch McConnell


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