How Did the Covid Numbers Get So High? – IOTW Report

How Did the Covid Numbers Get So High?

29 Comments on How Did the Covid Numbers Get So High?

  1. I got right away, my whole body ached in places I never thought could, got it even before school children were to blame. I will get the newest boosters,so what.
    It hurt me so badly I was barely able to sleep.

  2. The same for me Brad – cancer survivor, autoimmune disease,old fart. Got Covid and it was like a cold with a bit of the ‘flu. I ached but for a few hours at a time. My Doc didn’t test me just gave me antibiotic and a cortisone pack. It wasn’t pleasant but no reason to think the sky was falling.

  3. We got it before it had a name, it was a little worse than the flu, but not a death sentence, we didn’t go to the doctor. We didn’t know it at the time, but my husband had cancer. Granted he got the sickest of any of us, but again he survived.

  4. I got SARS-2 when I was having 2 dental implants placed in my upper jaw. It was right after the surgery that I got it so I’m all swelled up and I have about 40 stitches in my mouth. And of course the coof. Not one of my best weeks.

  5. The wife and I both got a nasty flu/respiratory illness just as the hype was starting, we both were treated with antibiotics for the chest congestion and sore throats just in case due to our past medical conditions but it wasn’t a big deal. Lasted about 8 days and we thought it was a bad cold and/or lite bout of flu.

    I have diabetes, copd, heart disease, and kidney issues due medications I am forced to take. I would and do check all the boxes for high risk.

  6. It’s like a gourmet chef such as Gordon Ramsay elevating a fast food dish. They took the common flu, reclassified it, elevated it and repackaged it. Under the microgreens, garlic aioli and leaf lettuce bun it’s the same steamed burger. You gotta get one, it’s to die for.

  7. Two couples we know have covid again – both had the jab (not sure about the “boosters”). I feel badly for everyone who thought they were doing the right thing and are now permanently damaged for it. I just read South Korea is now paying restitution to everyone who was injured by the jab.

  8. “So we’re doing COOF again?”

    We sure are. I’m already seeing that the idiots who were the last to take off the masks, are the first to slap them back on.

    And I guarantee you that the Covid Cause of Death policy trick never changed back from the New Normal.

    When you hear the tinkling covid pianos in TV commercials and see the nurse shoes pushing the gurneys, and when your local public health bureaucrats become little gods again, you’ll know for sure that it’s back.

  9. …I saw a VAXXX commercial where they said Coof kills as many as heart attacks and more than flu, which is a lie because they call ANY flu and anything else they can a Coof death. They also made no mention of the heart attacks, etc., CAUSED by Coof.

    This was back-to-back with them promoting a NEW vaxxx for RSV “never before available!”. This despite the fact that mankind never had a problem with RSV until they made THIS shit up.

    …guess all new meds will be called “vaccines” now. That complete lack of responsibility in killing people for obscene profits is just too sweet to let go.

    …with any resultant deaths attributed to Coof by compliant Obamacare paid doctors, of course…

  10. SNS, I’d be willing to bet that either HCQ or Ivermectin kicks RSV’s ass up and down the block.

    And speaking of HCQ and Ivermectin, somebody should ask the good doctor if he would still lose his license for prescribing those therapies to treat covid. I bet he’d still be in big trouble. As well as the pharmacists who would fill the prescription. No, none of the New Normal “rules” changed back; they just went into hibernation as everybody tried to go back to the way things were. But once the SHTF again, we are going to see all the old faces in all the old places, dusting off their playbook for the new season.

    Got your new covid test kits from your Obamacare provider yet? Remember: the more you test, the more covid you find. Do your best to help the Feds and Pfizer find it.

  11. People being farmed to death for money and election fraud. They never complain about the service because they’re dead.
    Communist never give up until they’re dead and then they still vote.

  12. He left out the part where they got “PAID” to put COVID as the illness.
    He left out the part where they got “PAID” to people on respirators.
    He left out the part where they got “PAID” to put people on Remdesivir.
    He left out the part where they got “PAID” to put COVID on the death certificate.
    He left out the part where funerals were “PAID” for, if COVID was listed as the cause of death.
    He left out the part where gun shot victims, died of COVID.

    Also, I have seen many obituaries that have “died suddenly”, listed as the cause of death.
    This death has been brought to you by Pfizer & Moderna, Anthony Fauci & the NIH.

  13. We were discussing listing COVID as the cause of death when it wasn’t back in 2020.

    Paying BIG BUCKS for ventilators, paying for any declaration of COVID in a hospital – remember?

    What kind of memory do these idiots think we have?

  14. Winston Churchill is quoted as saying during the war that goes something like this:

    “We take numbers. We add them, subtract then, multiply them, divide them. We do everything imaginable with them, forgetting that they came from a night watchman who put down as he damned well pleased.”

    That is how the government was manipulated the numbers. Just as pollsters skew their polls to give the results those who commissioned the poll wanted to see, the government has bribed and/or strong-armed doctors into all but falsifying death certificates.

  15. Those death certificates should list cause of death as “medical murder.” That’s what I call it when the doctors withhold treatment for a variety of ordinary respiratory illnesses, diagnose them as covid, and pump the patients full of Remdesivir. Actually, cause of death was “mass murder.”

  16. When you all say got COVID .. which iteration of COVID. COVID Alpha and Delta were serious threats to older folks .. All succeeding iterations, not so much

    I THINK I got a case of COVID Omicron in Summer of ’22. Wife went
    on cruise with my assh*le Brother in Law. I stayed home to enjoy July in Phoenix. She came home with something and I caught it. Had serious fatigue for two days. Couldnt stand the taste of coffee for a week. Took megadoses of Vitamins C and D for a few days, plus Zinc, was over it

    Does that sound like COVID

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