Energy Secretary Granholm Asked To Resign Over Perjury Charge – IOTW Report

Energy Secretary Granholm Asked To Resign Over Perjury Charge

14 Comments on Energy Secretary Granholm Asked To Resign Over Perjury Charge

  1. There’s a reason there are so many jokes about lawyers and their dishonesty.

    Putting the perjury aside, she should be ousted simply for the obvious insider trading, but this isn’t the first or even the worst example of her using her government insider status to enrich herself. Of course everyone in D.C. thinks the whole idea of restraining themselves from using the privileged information they have is laughable. Pelosi said ours is a free market system and there’s no reason anyone in the gov’t should be restricted from participating in it. They pass laws like the STOCK Act, then pass more laws to exempt themselves from it. The consequences for a first time offender is a mere $200.00. That’s about the cost of lunch for 4 congressional staffers.

  2. If perjurers are barred from office, who could possibly hold office?
    Ain’t a politician alive who isn’t a perjurer – the standard being: “If I say a thing I know isn’t perfect truth; it is a flat perjury.”

    Name one who isn’t a liar, a perjurer, a dissimulator, or a prevaricator.

    And resignation isn’t enough – she should be indicted, tried, convicted, and hanged – lying to one’s sovereign (or to the sovereign’s agents / representatives) should carry the death penalty – fewer would do it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I take full responsibility for my actions which were not my fault and accept the consequences which are totally unfair and politically motivated.

    Those were not my stocks. I was holding them for a friend whose name I don’t know. He must have left them in the car when he got out. Honestly, I’ve never seen those stocks before in my life.

  4. So what’s new? Every day more lying and corruption from this administration is exposed. It’s so regular it’s becoming non-news. Problem is that nothing is ever done, none of them suffer the consequences that regular citizens would and most likely every one of them receiving privileged information use it to enrich themselves. Violation of the public trust should carry mandatory harsh sentences. Nothing will change. Corruption is built in to the system. We’ve reached the point where they know citizens have no recourse so they no longer try and hide their criminal behavior. Until citizens demand better it will go on unchecked.


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