UAW Strikes – IOTW Report

UAW Strikes


About 13,000 U.S. auto workers stopped making vehicles and went on strike Friday after their leaders couldn’t bridge a giant gap between union demands in contract talks and what Detroit’s three automakers are willing to pay.

Members of the United Auto Workers union began picketing at a General Motors assembly plant in Wentzville, Missouri; a Ford factory in Wayne, Michigan, near Detroit; and a Stellantis Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio. More

30 Comments on UAW Strikes

  1. I will never purchase a new UAW built car. I typically buy used cars anyway. I prefer them “pre-dinged” and cheaper. That way I am not upset when wifey comes home from the mall with the first door ding.

  2. Wage increase, PLUS only 32-hour weeks but paid for 40. And the manufacturers’ commitment to unprofitable EVs.
    Do the Japanese & Korean manufacturers use union labor in US? I expect their sales to increase.

  3. Pricing yourself out of business is never a good idea. But if democrats have their way, they’ll use government to impose tariffs on foreign cars and enslave us to the unions – that funnel money back to the democrat party.

  4. Infuriating. These people have zero skill set. They basically sit around and watch an automated process. A good journeyman machinists is hard pressed to make $30.00 and hour and the knowledge and skill required to perform those tasks are damn near the same as a degreed engineer.
    The good news is, there’s a lot less of them every year due to automation.

  5. The Manufacturers have already priced themselves out of the market for my family. Even the used car market is very high.
    Car dealers are heavily laden with new Elec. Vehicles and few combustion type vehicles.
    With the help of Big Socialism (Unions), before long the only available new vehicles will be EV.

    UAW will be going the route of UMWA, price themselves out of a job. The UMWA Union killed the mining industry before the government did.

    More vehicle factories will go to Mexico, Canada or Go full robotic. Before long the drug cartels of Mexico will control the UA Workers. Trading one evil for another.

  6. the uaw ceased being a useful union 40 years ago when they decided to become a benefits organization instead
    additionally, most people don’t realize how many other industries provide materials to the motor city & how they’re also going to be affected by the uaw strikes
    plastics, rubber, leather, metals, etc. all go into making cars
    these materials then need to be transported either by truck or plane to various plants to be installed on the “line”
    this kind of “management” caused 2 exoduses from detroit in the 1970s & then again in early 1980
    toyota was a big reason too because their cars were inexpensive & reliable

  7. I actually just heard a UAW picketer say that they need these exorbitant wages is because of inflation.
    If they drive up the price of a new automobile then they will be the cause of inflation.

    This doesn’t add up.

  8. ^^^^^^ Well don’t look now but at the same time this is going on the Defense Logistic Agency is preparing to be shut down by lack of funding from congress. Affecting even more suppliers and vendors. I think Christmas is going to be pretty damn thin for a lot of peeps this year.It’s like all this shit is by design.
    Also, the letter we received warning us of the coming Gov shut down encouraged all the vendors/contractors to continue to process and ship parts to Ukraine. For free I guess. Can you believe that crap?

  9. Just adding to the “You will own nothing and be happy”.
    The housing market is crashing with interest rates.
    The economy crash is near, then Pres. Dumbass can “Build back better”.

    Where did all the TARP funds disappear to?
    Here’s $31 BILLION just in the top 10.
    General Motors Auto Company -$11,308,238,095
    PHH Mortgage, -$5,015,832,614
    Wells Fargo Bank, -$3,398,928,235
    JPMorgan Chase -$3,243,888,392
    CalHFA Mortgage -$2,360,253,221
    Bank of America -$2,311,102,036
    CIT Group -$2,286,312,500
    Select Portfolio Servicing -$1,795,331,996
    Nationstar Mortgage -$1,642,024,635
    Chrysler Auto -$1,212,849,005

  10. I work with a lot of ex-union guys.

    They are ex-union because the unions killed their entire company.

    The plant I work in isn’t unionized.

    It was in a previous incarnation, but they moved it hundreds of miles so the union couldn’t follow it and switched to hiring global citizens that have no interest in unions.

    And the only time they got as far as a union vote, we were told if the company unionized monday it would declare bankruptcy on Tuesday, and they completely meant it.

    It was a UFCW attempt. I knew people that were in UFCW at the time. They would do NOTHING but collect dues for six years before they’d even help with a grievance.

    Ford worker I knew had a substantial overtime grievance bartered away so they could keep a guy they caught sleeping. They never asked him and didn’t even tell him until he followed up.

    A GM worker told me that they had a paint line come off once, but no one was allowed to operate the clearly visible and unlocked cutoff valve except a pipe fitter, who had to drive over in a golf cart from next door while paint blew everywhere to operate a quarter turn ball valve. They were pretty used to final assembly rework tho, he said they pretty commonly crashed them at the dynomomater and then just piled them to the side to be rehabbed with no consequences.

    A gal who worked at a Ford transmission plant that I used to work with told me her first day on the job they yelled at her for trying to empty her overflowing trash can because that was someone else’s union job.

    Speaking of that plant, they aren’t on strike now but are getting ready to. We used to have TWO Ford transmission plants locally, but the Union killed the East side one some years ago, it’s a Purina plant now. The Sharonville plant doesn’t seem to realize Ford is all-in on EVs or that Ford mostly makes EV transmissions at an MI factory they specifically converted for that purpose. But sure, walk out guys.

    At a time when 50% of people already can’t afford a car.

    …and unions support Democrats who cause hyperinflation and open the borders to extremely cheap labor and imports while imposing impossible regulatory hurdles, whether or not the rank and file does.

    Unions are just another form of management, another level of corruption, another thing that kills jobs completely.

    Yeah, a 40% across-the-board raise would be SWELL.

    And also, given the current car market, retarded EV mandates, and cost and difficulty of getting compoments and raw materals that there’s no one to sell to once you’re done anyway, it’s also sure suicide.

  11. From CNN, so take with a tablespoonful of salt…
    “Not all automakers are facing a strike right now. Not even most of them. Toyota, BMW, Hyundai, Nissan, Tesla, Volvo and Subaru, just to name some, are still producing cars, trucks and SUVs in the United States, and their workers are not unionized.

    But dealerships for the Japanese and South Korean automakers currently have always tended to have less vehicle inventory on-hand than those for the Michigan-based automakers, Kunes said. Ultimately, this could translate to pricing pressure as domestic automaker inventories start to run low and their competitors may not have the vehicles ready to pick up the demand.”

    Note: Japanese/Korean automakers have less inventory… because people want their vehicles! Or at least they don’t have massive stock in undesired ones like EVs.

  12. LCD

    I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that ” Toyota, BMW, Hyundai, Nissan, Tesla, Volvo and Subaru” are not UAW members. I just Googled “Is Toyota controlled by the UAW” and they don’t answer that question.

  13. Ghost of Burner FRIDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2023, 13:38 AT 1:38 PM
    “I guess the manufacturers will have the buy more robots to supervise the existing robots to replace the union workers who used to supervise the existing robots.”

    …I work on robots. I ain’t cheap. And very few can do it. Also, they are quite expensive to fix both in labor and parts, and the parts are pretty damn hard to come by these days. Also too, there’s usually no work-around for a robot because no one can afford redundant robots, so when I have one down there’s 50 to 100 people just wanking on the clock scattered upstream and downstream, so there really isn’t time to get Fanuc on the phone, let alone get someone who KNOWS something on the phone, and their knowledge stops where your tooling and PLC start.

    Also, THAT guy ain’t free, either. BELIEVE IT!

    …Robots have their place, but they don’t solve all your problems and come with problems of their own.

    And if you order one THIS year, you MAY be able to expect delivery – not engineering or integration, just DELIVERY – sometime after the next Presidential election, IF you pay an expedite fee and are golf buddies with their CEO. Otherwise, how’s 2026 or 7 suit you?

    Allrighty then. Enjoy!

  14. My first brand new show room car cost me $4,000.
    The lenders at the time thought i was nuts.
    It was a 77 Honda Accord.
    Leap ahead about twenty years,I’m now racing a Honda powered car.
    Today I’m old and retired and have fuck all money to spend on a race car.
    Life goes bye swiftly.

  15. Kcir FRIDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2023, 14:08 AT 2:08 PM
    “Also note that as per the news this morning, they are striking plants that make the “profitable vehicles” not the EV Disasters that Biden is shoving up their asses.”

    …just more of the Union/CommieDem corruption/collusion on display, kind of openly now ’cause their pretty sure they’ve got it alllocked down…

  16. Kcir FRIDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2023, 14:06 AT 2:06 PM
    “How fair is it that the Mechanics that have to FIX THEIR SHITBOXES make less than the useless lard asses that can’t make the car without robots & hydraulic assisted tools?”

    …and the cars are very weak and structurally easily broken due to minimal quantities of light materials used to meet arbitrary CAFE standards, and it can take MONTHS to get car parts, I even had to find alternative channels to get a frigging OIL FILTER for a 2012 F150, “Covid” they said, I’m surprised they didn’t throw Globull Warming in there as well…

  17. remember cash for clunkers?
    that program eliminated a shit-ton of working vehicles that didn’t use computers to function
    why the push for ev, cashless society, & 15 minute cities?
    so they can shut you down whenever they want to
    i only hope i live long enough to see real justice come to the evil doers

  18. In nature the parasitic fungus that attacks ants force their infected victim to climb up a plant stem that leaves the zombie positioned over the colony’s trail before finally sprouting from the top of its host head to spread its spores over ground the other ants are bound to tread.

    I see the UAW killing its host but not spreading its contagion to others. Biologist would say they were on the road to extinction.

  19. After the supply chain and integrated circuit shortages the automakers found they can build fewer cars for more money and make buyers bid against each other. In ’21 I bought a new Toyota, it was on the lot and I got $4k off sticker. Good luck getting that deal today.


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