Dove Barred – Fat and Furious – IOTW Report

Dove Barred – Fat and Furious

Dove partners with morbidly obese BLM activist who destroyed a white student’s life over a misheard comment to promote ‘fat liberation’.


It appears as though the toiletries company Dove is keen on getting its wings clipped.

Dove, the soap outfit owned by the London-based multinational giant Unilever, has taken a page out of Bud Light’s book of marketing best-practices and partnered with a controversial radical to peddle their wares and advance a woke agenda.

Rather than once again having a transvestite make a mockery out of womanhood, the soap company has teamed up with a morbidly obese BLM radical known for her iconoclasm, her aversion to healthy living, and for allegedly ruining the life of a white student over a “misheard” comment.

Zyahna Bryant, 22, is a leftist community organizer and former DEI intern who recently graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. She prides herself on harboring a lifelong antipathy towards the police, having supposedly organized her first rally for Trayvon Martin at the age of 12.

Years later, she petitioned to have the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, taken down and other elements of the area’s history erased.

TheBlaze reported earlier this year that Bryant allegedly destroyed the reputation of a fellow student at the University of Virginia, claiming Morgan Bettinger had said protestors, including some who were black, would make “good speedbumps,” when in reality it appears she had just lauded a driver for protecting BLM protestors from oncoming traffic “because otherwise, these people would have been speed bumps.”


ht/ woody

32 Comments on Dove Barred – Fat and Furious

  1. Bye Dove. There are plenty of 4Her’s around here who make and sell their own goat’s milk soap. To Hell with Dove and championing blimp. Bryant won’t be a spokesblob for long because she is a heart attack waiting to happen..


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