Given the Kennedy History, Maybe RFK Jr. Should Have a Little Protection – IOTW Report

Given the Kennedy History, Maybe RFK Jr. Should Have a Little Protection

ht/ brad

17 Comments on Given the Kennedy History, Maybe RFK Jr. Should Have a Little Protection

  1. The last thing that this country needs is another political assassination of RFK Jr. or Donald Trump or any other politician. It would tear the country apart and divide us as a nation even more than we are now. I pray that it doesn’t happen, I may not agree with RFK Jr., but another Kennedy assassination would make him an instant martyr to liberal progressives. And God forbid that Biden was killed, I’d be very afraid of what might happen if that were to occur.

  2. RFK Jr is a nuttin burger, too late, too old, too mussy on issues. Yes the republican party likes him as a 3rd wheel to draw votes away from the other party. Otherwise, he should mind his own business STFU & be happy in mommy’s basement. What would he get 3% 5% , thats a nuttin burger.

  3. RFK Jr. should have his son fly him from Hyannis Port, Massachusetts in a Piper Saratoga to a Dallas airport where he will get into a custom Oldsmobile Delmont 88 convertible, to give a speech in Dealey Plaza, then head to the Ambassador Hotel in LA to give a speech about fate, destiny, & politics…

  4. The secret service was likely a key player in his uncle’s murder and quite possibly his father’s too. I would have protection, but not from ANYONE that has EVER been associated with the government at any level.

  5. So you support democrats, good to hear. Conspiracy theories are out there, Secret Service sure they were, please tell us why. Even if there where was very powerful people who pulled the trigger. I say they failed to protect or those involved were bought & paid for. Jr, is a known nutcase, he has no worries, only invented ones.

  6. I follow GDBA, the personal protection outfit that stopped this guy, on Instagram. I follow a lot of them, including probably the largest and arguably the best Byron Rodgers outfit. The Mex guy was tatted from head to toe. He was wearing a shoulder holster. That’s pretty weird these days unless you’re law enforcement for Miami Dade. Anyway multiple LEOs from LA saying they now this guy is MS13. It’s being reported his brother dropped him off. Not sure where that came from. Bottom line I’ve personally read many articles accusing the DNC to se MS13 as hit men. Who knows. If I were RFK jr I’d stick with his current protection detail. Why hire on the very people that are trying to kill you?

  7. The Deep State. Non Elected permanent Government officials. I read today that the DOJ and the Coup are busy trying to write legislation to protect these Nazis should DTJ get re elected. On one hand encouraging, on the other depressing.

  8. “Who supports democrats, anyone who supports JFK Jr! Like his pappy, a true blue Democratic.”

    Well actually it’s RFK jr. And if JFK ran on the same platform today as he did back then her would be un electable. To conservative. And you’re an idiot.

  9. J.Edgar Hoover approved whole heartedly at Clint Murchison”s ranch
    with LBJ in attendance and approval on

    NOVEMBER 21, 1963

    With all the aforesaid


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