Trans Regret – IOTW Report

Trans Regret

27 Comments on Trans Regret

  1. This Trans nonsense already was tried and petered out. It would have quickly died out again if the leftist hadn’t given the force of law behind it. Society should take those men who insist on letting it all hang out in women bathrooms, locker rooms and spas and superglue their junk to the faces of the legislators and judges pushing this nonsense.

  2. As there is no such thing as a “Trans” they were no doubt led to believe there could be. All the Doctors that allowed this shows they are no better than the evil monsters from Nazi Germany and Russia.

  3. “revenge against the whole fucking world…” ?

    You did it to yourself, fruitcake. Flush your head down the toilet, eat a shotgun, whatever… but revenge against the world does not make sense.

  4. HELEN JOYCE: Something you may not have thought of is that there are a lot of people who can’t move on from this. And that’s the people who have transitioned their own children. So those people are going to be like the Japanese soldiers who were on Pacific islands and didn’t know the war was over. They’ve got to fight forever. This is another reason why this is the worst, worst, worst social contagion that we’ll ever have experienced.

    A lot of people have done what is the worst thing you could do, which is to harm their children irrevocably, because of it. Those people will have to believe that they did the right thing for the rest of their lives, for their own sanity, and for their own self-respect. So they’ll still be fighting, and each one of those people destroys entire organizations and entire friendship groups.

    Like, I’ve lost count of the number of times that somebody has said to me of a specific organization that has been turned upside down on this, “Oh, the deputy director has a trans child.” Or, oh, the journalist on that paper who does special investigations has a trans child. Or whatever. The entire organization gets paralyzed by that one person. And it may not even be widely known at that organization that they have a trans child. But it will come out, people will have sort of said quietly, and now you can’ talk truth in front of that person, and you know you can’t, because what you’re saying is: “You as a parent have done a truly, like, a human rights abuse level of awful thing to your own child that can not be fixed.”

    There are specific individuals who are actively against women’s rights here and it is not known why they are, but I happen to know through the back channels, that it is because they’ve transed their child.

    So those people will do anything for the entire rest of their lives to destroy me and people like me because people like me are standing in reproach to them. I don’t want to be, I’m not talking directly to them, and I don’t spend my time bitching to them.

    But the fact is that just simply by saying we will never accept natal males in women’s spaces, well it is their son that we’re talking about. And they’ve told their son that he can get himself sterilized and destroy his own basic sexual function and women will accept him as a woman. And if we don’t, there’s no way back for them and that child.

    They’ve sold their child a bill of goods that they can’t deliver on.

    And I’m the one that has to be bullied to try to force me to deliver on it.

    So those people are going to be the people who will keep this bloody movement going, I’m sorry to say, because they’ve everything to lose, and it is a fight to the death as far as they are concerned.

  5. “I’m a fucking nutcase.”

    Just about sums up the whole affair.

    Why yes … yes you are …

    Find God. He will lead you through. You can find God through Jesus Christ.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The ‘powers-that-be’ have done a great job of fucking up America’s children and convincing those children that they, (the children), are to blame.

    Heads should roll, brains should be blown out, necks should be hanged.

    Most of all; liberals should be vanished.

  7. “… I want revenge against the whole fucking world.”

    Well, that’s part of it. But it goes further. Your narcissism is what brought you to where you are today. Your narcissism is a product of envy and resentment of anybody who has ANYTHING you feel deserving of, but have been cheated out of. What you resent most of all is that others have found joy and fulfillment that you will never experience because you are looking for it in places nobody has ever found joy and fulfillment.

    You envy and resent God and you were going to show God that you know more than he and are more powerful than he. You bought into Satan’s promises, and like Satan you cannot creat, you can only destroy. Good job dumbass.

  8. JDHasty — Her summation of why there will be a cadre of wanton trans clingers is so precise and so correct. So not only do we have raging trans regretters, we also have their parents, friends and other family who are even less stable.

    Authentic misery doesn’t just want company, it absolutely requires it.

  9. Hopefully “it” won’t soon go to jail because I’m hoping it will pick on the wrong person who knows how to use a firearm. Why should someone suffer that had nothing to do with your effed up mentality?

  10. Suicide is his only solution. Not the first time I’ve said it. Some blame the doctor, some blame the teacher, but this guy blames himself. Except, he wants to kill the world because of his stupidity,. Yep, he’s nuts. I hope he stops his pain and torment, after all, they shoot horses don’t they?

  11. And If we didn’t let it become a Eunuch or whatever it chose it would have sued someone.

    Oh well, It can still try shoving things up its ass on the only fans freak show for tips or tokens or whatever they use.

  12. I was McClendon’s Hardware yesterday and they ask me to round up for Seattle Children’s Hospital. When I told them not only no, but hell no, and why they had no clue that was where this shit emanated from.

  13. Even you can be saved. The first person baptized after Jesus left was a eunuch. The most learned man in the Bible was Daniel, and he was a eunuch. Most people who love their dogs and cats have had them neutered. You are still valuable.

  14. The doctors who do this to people know it’s mutilation and nothing but damaging. They do it solely for money.
    They should be in prison.
    I want to see someone ask them if they’d do this to their own children.

  15. The despair and hopelessness floods this person’s post! Please God send a compassionate Christian to come along side this person to encourage him in Your Way. You are the hope of all who seek you, the help of all who find (You).

    Ps 34:18
    18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit

    Ps 147:3
    3 He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.

    Jesus quoted this verse when He stood up to begin His public ministry:
    Isa 61:1
    The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners;


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