Insiders Tell the Truth About Lab- Cultivated Meat – IOTW Report

Insiders Tell the Truth About Lab- Cultivated Meat


ON JULY 1, five diners sat down at the counter of the Michelin-starred Bar Crenn in San Francisco for an unusual meal. They had won a competition to become the first customers in the US to eat cultivated meat—real animal cells grown in bioreactors instead of a living animal. For a nominal price of $1, they tucked into two pieces of a cultivated chicken fillet made by the California startup Upside Foods, one of only two companies cleared to sell cultivated meat in the US. “I thought it was delicious,” says Oscar Merino, one of the diners. “The taste and the texture was incredible.”

But former and current employees say the Emeryville plant tells a misleading story of how Upside’s chicken is made. In fact, sources say, the company’s flagship product—the juicy whole cuts of chicken served at Bar Crenn—are brewed, almost by hand, in tiny bottles. The huge bioreactors, those sources claim, simply aren’t capable of reliably brewing the sheets of tissue needed to form whole cuts of meat such as chicken fillets.

Insiders say that Upside’s meticulously crafted fillets are instead the result of a process that is more arduous and unwieldy than using bioreactors: Employees grow thin sheets of tissue in small plastic flasks called roller bottles and combine them to create a larger hunk of chicken, an approach that is expensive and requires many hours of labor to produce even a small amount of meat. According to former and current employees at Upside, this process happens in a laboratory that doesn’t feature in the factory tours Upside gives to journalists and members of the public.


18 Comments on Insiders Tell the Truth About Lab- Cultivated Meat

  1. “…most cultivated meat companies have decided to focus on the more modest goal of brewing cells using cheaper, more established bioreactor technology more suited to producing ground products like chicken nuggets and burgers.”

    They’re going to make the lab cultivated version of mechanically separated meat, aka pink slime. Parts is parts.

  2. If the government gets involved, none of it will matter. EVs are more environmentally destructive than gasoline powered cars, yet the lies perpetuate and the gullible eat that up too.

  3. I read an article a while back about lab grown meat that explained it as a process of isolating animal flesh cells and making them replicate exponentially. So, basically, it’s a tumor. Eeeuuuwww…

  4. I will not eat Frankenchicken or Frankenmeat, any kind of fake manmade meat Sam I Am. Eating fake chicken is a total sham, I’d rather eat Spam and please don’t try making any Frankenham either than I’d rather eat a dead beaver. Whoever came up with up with this mystery meat should be the one who forced the first one to eat this fake abominable treat and then shot on the spot and go to the place where it’s really, hot. NOT, NEVER, EVER….

  5. I don’t care what they “said”. I don’t believe they liked it, but were forced to say it tasted good and had good texture or else they’d look like fools for even trying it.

    Soon after they roll out the fake meat to the public, maybe 6 months or so, they will start introducing poison into the fake meat. Slowly at first so no one will suspect. Then, as more and more people start dying suddenly like with the jab, they will swear on the grave of the Bill of Rights that it’s not the fake meat.

    By the time 4 million people are dead, it won’t matter that they admit it because they will have achieved their goal. And we all know what their goal is.


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