What Would Happen If You Fell Into Water Infested With Piranhas? – IOTW Report

What Would Happen If You Fell Into Water Infested With Piranhas?

15 Comments on What Would Happen If You Fell Into Water Infested With Piranhas?

  1. There was a pet shop that had a piranha when I was a mere child and you could feed it a goldfish for 25 cents….nothing but scales and fins in a micro second. It was glorious!….

  2. Loco, a guy had a huge Oscar in college and we would feed it night crawlers until they were just hanging out of it’s mouth, but it wouldn’t stop eating them….

  3. “Loco, a guy had a huge Oscar in college and we would feed it night crawlers until they were just hanging out of it’s mouth, but it wouldn’t stop eating them….”

    Due to decades of captives being released, Oscars are in just about every single pond and canal in south Florida. On light tackle, they are a blast to catch…they hit lures with reckless abandon and fight like hell. Caught many of them back in the day.


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