Look Out Everyone, Here Comes the “Tripledemic!” – IOTW Report

Look Out Everyone, Here Comes the “Tripledemic!”

CBS News

It’s feeling more like fall, and when it gets really cold outside, people head inside. That’s when doctors said there could be an increase in illnesses like COVID-19 and the flu.

Doctors are warning that there could be another tripledemic, with COVID-19, the flu and RSV circulating at the same time this winter. That’s why it’s important to take prevention steps soon. More

29 Comments on Look Out Everyone, Here Comes the “Tripledemic!”

  1. I just got back from the grocery store. Eastside of Seattle where the more sane people live, kinda. Masking is in full bloom on a sunny and 70’s day. Some older folks (because it’s near a 55+ community) but the majority of maskers were 20 and 30 year olds. One guy in his 30’s and 6ft something and in decent shape had an N95 on. Dude?!?

    Sheeple. If Inslee wants to lock us down again the western part of the state will comply. *sigh*

  2. J. Conner

    I think that’s part of their goal. They’re going to shut down the military and the sector that supports them. That’s close to 50% of the economy. WTF are these people thinking.

  3. If they can breathe through their paper or cloth mask it is then totally ineffective. A virus can go right through a mask, never mind the gaping holes on the sides and everything you touch has potential for transferring the virus to you. The sheep are heading for the cliff, everybody’s doing it so got to be right.

  4. Sadly, there are moronic fools who NEVER stopped wearing mask since the plandemic began in 2020. For them it’s an idiots lifestyle forever and they won’t notice another lock down has taken place.
    Way too many Covidians will comply. Making it another stressful exasperating, tedious Fall and Winter.

  5. Preventative advice – wash your filthy hands! Two minutes. That is all.

    The newly FDA approved RSV vaccine is recommended for the elderly so they say. Odd that where I live in NE Ohio those with RSV have all been children. Why push this on ‘the elderly’, as if i didn’t know. Die faster ya’ old farts.

    When I see this crap in an article the writer loses all credibility: ‘An FDA-approved RSV vaccine is also available for pregnant people’

  6. “talk with your pharmacist about getting the RSV vaccine or immunization.”

    Shouldn’t a real “Health official” say, “Eat well, take vitamins, exercise, stock up on Ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine?

  7. Illustr8r:

    Yup, I’ve noticed an uptick in masked morons around our place, too. Mostly young(er) people. I can’t stand seeing parents put masks on their kids. It’s purely evil born of ignorance (and this from the ones who think they know it all).

    I just saw a meme last week: “I’ll assume that if you’re wearing a mask, alone, inside your vehicle it’s to stop yourself from licking the windows.”

  8. Eugenia
    SUNDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER 2023, 21:24 AT 9:24 PM
    “Preventative advice – wash your filthy hands! Two minutes. That is all.”

    Especially before and after picking your nose.

  9. Brad SUNDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER 2023, 20:29 AT 8:29 PM
    “J. Conner

    I think that’s part of their goal. They’re going to shut down the military and the sector that supports them. That’s close to 50% of the economy. WTF are these people thinking.”

    …yup. A production staff is an ensemble cast, and can’t order materials or plan production shifts with contract uncertainty. This means the talented players get restless when the company gets vauge about how many hours they can afford to give their hourly employees, amd its not the lazy ones and the hacks you lose first, but the people who can do better elsewhere; so when you DO finally get Mordor to make a disbursement you now have trouble getting the band back together so its Ground Hog’s Day from a training perspective all over again, not to mention what a bitch it is to arrange for everything from raw materials to spare parts to entire robot cells these days, which you cannot do when your contract is held up by Democrats over Ukrainan appropriations…

  10. ^^^^^ And at the same time I’m getting e-mails encouraging us to continue to supply parts headed fro Ukraine. FOR DEMOCRACY. Yea what ever. And for free. Use to be any thing headed out of country was identified as FMS. Foreign Military Sale. Well the Coup got caught early on supplying American made defense parts to an enemy. Remember this? And their juvenile response was, fine, we won’t identify where those parts go any more. Which they don’t. We have no way of knowing what parts are headed domestic or overseas. Stupid mother fuckers. They are off the charts stupid.

  11. It’s been hotter than hell for 4 fucking months.
    When it gets cold, I’m OUTSIDE!
    & if I wear something on my face, it’ll be for warmth, not useless filter.


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