Senate is reportedly ditching the informal dress code enforcement – IOTW Report

Senate is reportedly ditching the informal dress code enforcement

This new rule will allow Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. John Fetterman, who typically wears gym shorts and hoodies, to go on the Senate floor before and after votes without wearing business attire. 

22 Comments on Senate is reportedly ditching the informal dress code enforcement

  1. Why is this being implemented???

    I am old.
    That being said, I feel like a lady when I am well dressed.
    I act like a lady when I am well dressed.
    I am treated like a lady when I am well dressed.
    I am respected by my peers when I am well dressed.
    Our representatives should look, feel, act and be treated with respect. (even if they sometimes haven’t earned it – they are, after all, representing us – the American people.)

  2. Every Senator should show up in a Hoodie and gym shorts until Fuck Schumer changes the rule back.

    You represent the people of the state you “serve” you juvenile self centered fucknut, put on some pants Frankenstein. I swear Demonrats are infantile toddlers…

  3. @ Graceia

    ” they are, after all, representing us ”

    Kinda funny that the media commonly refers to what should be our representatives as leaders, which is how most of them think of themselves. There are very few people in DC that I would follow to a Fourth of July BBQ with free beer. You are one of the lucky ones, if you have a representative that actually represents you.

    Joe xiden is a good example of someone who thinks he deserves respect without actually earning it.

  4. Maybe for the next State of the Union Senators should come in togas and back a horse’s ass up to the podium to give Biden’s address. At least it would be different and most likely entertaining.


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