F-35 missing. Would you be a dear and take a look outside? – IOTW Report

F-35 missing. Would you be a dear and take a look outside?

F-35 jet reported missing by authorities after pilot ejects during ‘mishap’: Officials

U.S. military officials are searching for a missing F-35 jet after a “mishap” caused its pilot to eject on Sunday afternoon.

Joint Base Charleston said on Facebook that the aircraft was a Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II belonging to Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. The pilot ejected safely and was transported to a local medical center.

The base is working with Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort to help locate the missing aircraft. Emergency response teams have been deployed to find the jet. more

41 Comments on F-35 missing. Would you be a dear and take a look outside?

  1. MAN, this is my biz. Trust me when I tell you they know exactly where this aircraft is. The most polished turd ever. But I’m telling you it’s electronics are second to none. More bull shit from our current Anti American Coup. They probably flew it to China. The big guy got his 10.

  2. Back in the late 50’s and Air Force pilot ejected out of his T-33 (F-80) over the sierras in heavy snow. He was missing for several months before he hiked out. He was a hero, until the press started looking into his private life. They couldn’t find his plane. Then he was accused of flying the plane to Cuba (with no evidence). He was kicked out of the Air Force, and his life and reputation were ruined. A decade later, after he had died, Boy Scouts hiking in the sierras found the wreckage of his plane.

  3. I just sold something online for more than 600 bucks so now I have to fill out some bullshit 1099 tax form.
    Now I know why.
    Losing billion dollar state of the art aircraft along with funding those cocksuckers in Ukraine, they need more of that good old taxpayer green.

    I’m so fucking pissed off I have to block it from my mind like an old repressed memory.
    Seriously, I could literally kill over this shit…
    Maddening as ALL FUCK!

  4. This is Africa, 1943. War spits out its violence overhead, and the sandy graveyard swallows it up. Her name is King Nine, B-25, medium bomber, Twelfth Air Force. On a hot, still morning, she took off from Tunisia to bomb the southern tip of Italy. An errant piece of flak tore a hole in the wing tank and, like a wounded bird, this is where she landed, not to return on this day, or any other day.

    King Nine Will Not Return

  5. Enigma buried in the sand, a question mark with broken wings that lies in silent grace as a marker in a desert shrine.
    Odd how the real consorts with the shadows, how the present fuses with the past. How does it happen?
    The question is on file in the silent desert, and the answer?
    The answer is waiting for us in – The Twilight Zone.

  6. nwords want their fragile, maintenance-intensive, flying-edsel so they can ignore real cas needs of people on the ground – lockheed sucks trans-it dick, btw

  7. Mishap?
    Now if my wife or I ding the car with a grocery cart, That is a mishap,
    If we lose our car it is an emergency and financial crisis.

    But this is Government, the F-35 Costs $82.4 Million dollars;
    It’s just a mishap.

    The cost of a f-35 is Chump change compared to the $100 BILLION we send to Ukraine and to Biden’s off shore accounts.

    It’s proven, the Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon couldn’t find their ass with either hand, let alone a F-35. I’s a mishap.

  8. Well, on the serious side, airplanes can have a lawn dart quality all their own. So, if it smacked down into soft soil or shallow water, there may not be much visual tell-tale (e.g. fireball, scortched earth).

    We can hope the pilot recovers well.

  9. Anyone else remember the Cornfield Bomber?
    The “Cornfield Bomber” is the nickname given to a Convair F-106 Delta Dart, operated by the 71st Fighter-Interceptor Squadron of the United States Air Force. In 1970, during a training exercise, it made an unpiloted landing in a farmer’s field in Montana, suffering only minor damage, after the pilot had ejected from the aircraft. The aircraft, recovered and repaired, was returned to service, and is currently on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force.

  10. “.. missing F-35B fighter jet could travel for hundreds of miles on autopilot after its pilot ejected mid-flight..
    That old joke about jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.

  11. The F35 has Data Links up the wazoo. It’s designed to gather real time data and distribute it to other aircraft and ground crew to help build an accurate picture of a dog fight. The damn things like an Iphone. We know where they’re all at, all the time

  12. maybe bill clit-on got hold of it & gave it to the chinks, like he (reportedly?) did with the nuke-technology. the british labor (pedocrat) party gave the former ussr their first jet engine – which promptly went into the mig-15. the mig-15 savaged us bombers during the korean war. but, no problem – it’s what the dicksuckers do, they help the enemy.


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