Just a Picture of Boebert – IOTW Report

Just a Picture of Boebert

22 Comments on Just a Picture of Boebert

  1. This bitch spit in the face of everyone who supported or voted for her with her antics. Be gone you ungrateful See You Next Tuesday. They went all in for her when she was the political fight of her life and this is how she thanks them. Fucking tramp.

  2. @ Anonymous TUESDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2023, 11:46 AT 11:46 AM

    I used to hear something similar form a friend whose wife used to deliberately and wantonly publicly embarrass him. It is a control move and this nasty piece of work is a classic narcissist.

  3. JDHasty ….so because your friends wife did this means Boebert must be the same? This was a set up by dems. The guy was in on it knowing she was vulnerable. Why was there a night vision camera in a theatre aimed directly at them? Classic blackmail move by the feds.
    Evidently you’re a saint.

  4. Was it a setup? Maybe.

    Did she fall for it? Absolutely.

    Anyone who claims to be “on our side” and does not realize that they are scrutinized at all times in all places is a greater asset to the Left than to us.

  5. “We need her. Cut her slack”

    Exactly. She was obviously set up. Was she stupid? Yep. Should she be a little more careful about the men she meets. You bet your ass. She’s a target. Who brings night vision to a theater and films one couple.
    At least we know she’s not dead from the waste down. Pelosi never did anything like this. Now her husband, that’s a different story. LOL
    It’s not like she was cheating on anybody.
    But the fact is we do need her.

  6. I’d been reading that her reelection was in jeopardy for some time before this incident. Whether that’s true or not is in question because 99.5% of what’s out there is bullshit.

    Regardless, she states that there won’t be a second date. On the first date she’s fondling his johnson over his pants and she’s allowing him to paw at her tits repeatedly. That folks, was not part of a setup. Neither was her vaping, dancing and gyrating in her seat to the music. Watching the video makes me think that she’s probably high.

    Watch the video of her walking out through the lobby. Her tits are barely contained. That was not part of a setup. Frankly, she’s dressed like a hooker.

    First date? Maybe. But I suspect that those two have had carnal relations prior and that’s fine.

    Here’s the wrap-up. I’m no prude. I’m glad to have her on our team because she’s a fighter. I don’t care what she does in private and I don’t care what she chooses to do in public so long as it doesn’t harm others.

    The footage of her is fixed, not wavering. It’s not cell phone video it’s video shot with a fixed camera using infrared. Look at the video in the lobby, that too is a fixed camera mounted high up. This was not a setup.

    The lying by the media and the political machines is not one sided. Keep that in mind. The left is laughing at what we’re being fed just like we’re laughing at what they’re being fed.

  7. I saw where she supposedly said it was a first date and she knew nothing about the guy. This makes it better? Seriously? If true, then she’s just as stupid as some of the dims we like to mock and make fun of.

  8. Boebert has been dating this man for months, was obviously loaded and totally obnoxious. Incidentally, there is a video of her and her Democrat date acting like randy teenagers walking towards the street after they were tossed out of the theater. Who behaves like this, and then blames it on a separation and divorce? According to the Daily Mail she’s broken up with her Aspen bar owner, because she’s just discovered he’s of the wrong political persuasion. A friend of mine who works in Aspen told me that it’s been pretty common knowledge that these two were dating for several weeks.

    She will probably lose the Republican primary to a Conservative from Grand Junction who announced his candidacy months ago, he he should be able to hold on to the seat against the guy from Aspen who has baggage aplenty.

    “In vino veritas” might have become “vape now and lie later.” She’s going to be on Eric Boling tonight. It’s going to be a preview of her attempt to put this unsavory incident behind her.

  9. So,,, she got all handsy/horny with some guy in the movie. BFD. Most of you jerks are just jealous cause you want some of it and the rest of you are a bunch of pious hypocrites.
    She is free, divorced, and 21,,, STFU!

  10. ^^^^A responsible adult gets a room. In a publc setting this more than JUST unacceptable behavior. Vaping & sexuall groping in public, one can be arrested. She has no manners or the manners of a pig.


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