Take a Bowel – IOTW Report

Take a Bowel

ht/ shang

9 Comments on Take a Bowel

  1. @ fullmetal256 TUESDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2023, 23:46 AT 11:46 PM

    I have noticed that over the course of the last few years that folks who used to go apoplectic or react with jaw dropping shock that I would have the audacity to come right out and say that followers of the progressive world view are not the well intentioned, but misguided individuals you take them for, they are motivated by malicious intent and are outright Satanists, now agree with me.

    God appears to be, at the very least, allowing them to reveal themselves to more people.

  2. God will (in His own time) get rid of these Satanic maggots, but the “getting rid of” will be cataclysmic.

    My guess is that the Satanic maggots aren’t going to have an epiphany and say “Gee, I’ve been a Satanic maggot – I shouldn’t do that” – throw up their hands and apologize to the world for their Satanic maggotry. They’re going to have to be individually rooted out and destroyed like the plague bacilli they are.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hey USA, I bet you

    There’s someone out to get you

    You’ll find him anywhere

    On a bus, in a bar, in a grocery store

    He’ll say, “Excuse me

    I don’t know where I’m at anymore?”

    Crap, Crap, Crap

    They call him the Crapper

    Crap, Crap, Crap

    He don’t know what he’s after

    So, he starts his Crappin’

    Secret Service hopin it won’t happen


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