Dumb Cops Blame the Victim of a Sex Crime – IOTW Report

Dumb Cops Blame the Victim of a Sex Crime

A father calls the police to tell them about an online predator that is coercing his 11 year-old daughter into sending naked pictures. What they say leaves the father furious.



Equally stupid –> You can legally marry and have sex with a girl in the same state that will arrest you if you are found to have taken naked pictures of that girl.

15 Comments on Dumb Cops Blame the Victim of a Sex Crime

  1. badge-nwords have to defend their vibrants. this is the country where a senior polees-type sat in its car & watched a sand-ngr slice up one of his own officers, nothing happened to the gubmint-mofo.

  2. In Ohio, it’s apparently criminal even for a juvenile to send nekkid photographs. If I were the police officer, I would have mentioned this to the father with the caveat that this is just as an additional argument to deter the daughter from similar conduct in the future. 14 year olds frequently don’t understand why electronic stalking/grooming is dangerous, but it can be and children need to be deterred from engaging in this conduct.

    That being said, I don’t think this is what these police officers had in mind.

  3. Many US police departments are recruiting cops from the ranks of the mentally unstable. They are doing it on purpose with guidance and grants with programs established by the US Department of Justice. The cops in this video are just the kind of people that the government wants. You can’t establish a police state with law enforcement officials who honor the US Constitution. Good cops are being purged from law enforcement by the droves for this very reason. These are the new ‘Brown Shirts’.

  4. Female LEO I have had to interact with have 20% been among the very best and 80% among the absolute worst who I interact with regularly. There have been few who fell anywhere in between. The flippant attitude of this one tells me where she is on the scale.


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