Denver Has Spent Nearly $25M Sheltering Illegals – IOTW Report

Denver Has Spent Nearly $25M Sheltering Illegals

OAN: The city of Denver has reached almost $25 million in costs in order to shelter immigrants as the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States continues to grow.

This marks the latest financial hit that liberal cities are encountering as they deal with the immigrant crisis.

The ongoing immigrant issue has seen a number influx of immigrants at the border. Denver city officials declared in an email that the expenses for immigrant housing is approximately $24.8 million, which is $20 million more than what the city expected to spend within the last six months. Therefore, the spending is up to $1,000 per immigrant each week.

In August, it was reported by Axios that Denver had spent over $23 million regarding the immigrant crisis, and was experiencing an increase in the number of incoming immigrants. However, the city’s dilemma was said to be stable as leaders worked to establish a plan on how to efficiently provide services to immigrants.

Earlier this year, the city of Denver put specific limitations on immigrant shelters. This included a 30-day limit for how long immigrants can reside in a shelter, as well as restrictions on returns and any possible “illegal activity.” more here

13 Comments on Denver Has Spent Nearly $25M Sheltering Illegals

  1. Denver – City of Morons.
    Elections matter – even stolen elections.

    Cheaper to bus em to NY City – but Denver’s probably a proud sanctuary city.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “… so we have to provide …”
    No. We don’t. In fact, you seriously provide nothing but bullshit – the taxpayers do ALL the providing. But they don’t HAVE to. That’s the option you maggots in gov’t chose. Hopefully, when the humans have had enough of your shit, they’ll hang you all.

    Send the illegal-alien invaders back to messico – let them sort it out.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. When Mr. Beachmom emailed our City Manager about the proposal to raise the general assistance fund from $8,00,000 to almost $12 million with no say or vote from the citizens he informed us that when a city or town takes money from the feds one of the strings attached is that you have to support illegals…I mean “refugees” or lose funding.
    The hike never happened when the City Council finally revoked business licenses from all but one hotel being used as shelters and forced Catholic Charities, the traffickers, to pay to house and feed them.

    On a side note, the Indian family who owns the hotels being used as shelters has made so much money doing so they built another hotel and 3 or 4 new homes over in well to do Cape Elizabeth.

  4. Laugh my A$$ off. Colorado has been a disgrace to the USA for years with their moron liberalism. I know, tell those fvcktards to double or triple their illegal immigration budget, give their homes and property to the illegals, and tell them to rape and kill their spouses…

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