“Coward” Stern’s Transition To Wokeness is Because He is a Scared Bitch Worried About Cancellation – IOTW Report

“Coward” Stern’s Transition To Wokeness is Because He is a Scared Bitch Worried About Cancellation

He is phony scumbag and a worm. He is the Jew that tells the Nazis where Anne Frank is hiding.

Matt Walsh is on his trail.

23 Comments on “Coward” Stern’s Transition To Wokeness is Because He is a Scared Bitch Worried About Cancellation

  1. I’m so old, I remember listening to Howard Stern in morning drive time on DC radio when I was in college… He was suspended from time to time and that was kinda funny but then… one January in the early 80’s a plane took off from National Airport (now called Reagan International) and fell rather quickly into the frozen Potomac River, whereupon one poorly named Lenny Skutnik emerged from his usual boring morning commute and dived off a bridge to rescue a woman from certain hypothermia and a quick death. Most passengers were not so lucky. Within the week Horrible Stern did a live on-air prank call to the airline, asking how much for a one-way ticket for a flight to the 14th Street Bridge. WOW. His employers and everyone in and around town were stunned and he was rightfully fired. Every time I run across him in the decades since, I am shocked that he still has any sort of career or relevance.

  2. He’s got more money than he could ever spend, so why should he GAF about being cancelled?

    Dog in the manger? Like those demented maggots Feinstein, Pelosi, McConnell, Byrd, McCain, Thurmond, &c., just can’t give it up?

    Maybe we need term-limits in the media, as well as in politics?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hannity turned into a Coof Coward NWO enabler long before this guy did. r
    Conservative Karate Master turned into a whiny li’l bitch in 2020, begging NYC to bat his neighbors from their own homes in the building if they failed Government Coof and vaxxx tests forcibly administered by Government in his lobby lest their peasant breath taint his own precious air.

    He also instantly legitimized the illegitimate Pedo regime. I don’t know if it was to keep his job or not, but either way if he had ANY actual principles he would have openly and publicly QUIT if so.

    Haven’t listened to him since.

    Howard Stern at least didn’t pretend to be a decent human being. Hannity made his money lying about being on the side of the angels and still does even after 3 years of openly serving satan.

    A pox on both their houses.

    Preferably a Chinese pox.

  4. He has always been the slimy kid who could never quite match Don Imus. He tried to steal the shtick but only managed to attract those too stupid to understand what Imus was talking about. Since there are more stupid people than smart people he got a larger audience but the collective IQ was still lower. He’s a putz.

  5. ~ 1992 someone told me I would enjoy Howard Stern. I listened to the fucking moron for under a minute and couldn’t take any more of it. I have seen very short clips and he has nothing to offer me of any value.


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