Find Out Who Your Friends Are – IOTW Report

Find Out Who Your Friends Are

If you have a friend like this, call them and tell them you appreciate them. Not everyone is favored to have someone like this in their lives.

13 Comments on Find Out Who Your Friends Are

  1. I’ll be honest, I wanted that big truck to pull up the driveway of somebody with the hood open and smoke billowing out from under the engine and that person looking very happy to see that hood ornament for the umpteenth time come the rescue.

  2. I’ve always had pickup trucks while all my family and friends for the longest time had cars and minivans.
    I received lots of friend calls for a long time.
    Now it seems they all have trucks and I’ve been considering downsizing to something smaller.

  3. I do think I’m under appreciated with some of family and friends, but they do know who to call when they need a truck and 16′ trailer, or a rescue out in the boonies. Take it for granted, they do.

    Funny thing is, I’m prepared because it’s stupid not to be. They are just beneficiaries of it. Unfortunately, many of them don’t prepare because I do and they can count on me as long as I’m alive.

    Every day brings me closer to not being around any more. Kind of feel sorry for them not having the light turn on yet. I do get satisfaction that I can help, though. It’s no wonder I settled on the profession I have.

  4. When I lived in Waldorf I did all of my mechanical work in my open garage, or on my concrete driveway. And I did A LOT of mechanical work. Most of my vehicles are old and I did oil changes, tranny fluid, engine swaps, ball joints, shocks and struts, brakes, valve jobs, windshields, blah blah blah…

    After a few years of that I had not only neighbors asking for work, but neighbor’s friends, and eventually random scumbags. I had MANY “friends”.

    I moved away and now pretend I have no idea how to pop a hood. Now I have no friends, and that’s just fine with me.

  5. Lost all my friends during the scandemic as we all pulled back in perceived “self-defense” ad it didn’t matter what we drove only that we weren’t wearing masks in there.

  6. My description of a close friend is; I can call them in the dead of night, tell them I shot someone and need help to bury the body, they don’t ask questions, they just show up with their own shovel to help.
    I still have one remaining close friend, everyone else I would have trusted have died.
    It’s a matter of trust.
    I’m too old to make and vette new old trusted friends.


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