Update: Prayer Request from RogerF – IOTW Report

Update: Prayer Request from RogerF

Sadly, the inevitable occurred earlier today.

Thank you so much for putting up the prayer request earlier this week.  The thoughts and prayers were greatly appreciated.

God Bless.



My cousin has been fighting pancreatic cancer for more than a year.  The symptoms and results have been variable.  We did get information that he would probably not last more than a week or two.

While I wish he would last longer, our family knows that the end is near.  I am not asking for me, but any thoughts and prayers for him and his wife and mother would be appreciated.


44 Comments on Update: Prayer Request from RogerF

  1. Thank you all. I am glad that Claudia posted this. I am also happy for the prayers

    Regrettably, I did see him today and he did not look good. However the power of prayer is phenomenal.

    Thank you

  2. Dear Lord, we come before you today on behalf of this one who is known to you, who seeks healing on the threshold of life. Please Lord touch this man, walk around his bedside, guide the hands and minds of his healers as his Ultimate Physician.

    Most importantly Lord, please go to him as his savior, be with him to comfort his heart, let him feel Your Spirit that he may know to draw closer to You in his hour of need, that he may know he will be with You whatever Your will in this, that he and all who love him may have Blessed Assurance that no matter what happens or when that their home in Heaven with You is ready and their soul will live forever in blessedness, and that all those who worry now will be together in Heaven by and by, and know each other and be glad.

    I ask this not of myself as I not worthy, but by the blood of the Son, Jesus Christ.

    In His merciful name I pray,

    God Bless,

  3. Prayer for your cousin and family and you RogerF. God is merciful in that He is giving your cousin time to mend fences and to ask God for forgiveness. Not everyone is so blessed. I pray that your cousin will accept God’s free gift of eternal life through His Son Jesus.

  4. I cannot express enough of my thoughts. We know he is on a day-to-day now We do go see him every day.
    I had (mostly) come to grips. His wife and mother are the ones who could use the support.

    For everyone on the forum, Thank You

  5. Psalm 41
    1 Blessed is he who considers the [a]poor;
    The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.
    2 The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive,
    And he will be blessed on the earth;
    You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.
    3 The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness;
    You will sustain him on his sickbed.

    May the Lord be with him and with you all.
    We pray to the Lord to heal our brother in Christ, and bless him and his family.
    In Jesus name.

  6. I am sorry for this outcome but it is good to remember at such sorrowful times that this is a transition we all must face in God’s good time, and one that opens the door to standing in the glory of our Father and Lord, and to the end of sadness and the beginning of eternal joy.

    The Lord works according to His will. In His infinite wisdom and His infinite mercy He decided His child could be best healed by bringing him home, to be clothed at last in a body incorruptible and forever in the light of the Lord.

    It is proper for there to be a time of mourning, but funerals are more for the living than for those who have gone home in more ways than one. We need to share our tears and remembrances with each other that those left behind can comfort each other in their loss, but the body we commit to the ground is no more than an empty envelope that was used to deliver the love of the Lord to us, and the person we love is no more there than our Lord is in a tomb; the Ressurected has raised the fallen to be with Him on the golden streets of Heaven forever and they no more need our tears.

    So in this time of celebrating the life of one whos race is run, take thought for those who he left in his wake, those who will feel his absence every day in a thousand ways until they too go to be with him and the Lord in their turn. The pain never really ends but it will fade into fond reminisces over time, but in this time those who mourn need the Comforter, not only to give them peace in their loss and Blessed Assurance that they are not parted forever, but also that they can be strengthened to the many tasks that must be done, for the departure of one imposes many unavoidable burdens on those who love them best even as they grieve, so remember them in your prayers.

    Lord, we come before You today on behalf of those who feel keenly the loss of one You have called home. Please Lord touch those whose names are known to You with your strength, comfort them in the loving arms of Your mercy, and send Your Spirit to comfort them in their loss and with the message that they are not sundered forever, but may through Your grace be one day reunited in the light of Your love. Let them know that the body is temporary but the soul is eternal, and that beyond the grave there lies more than memory.

    And touch too the one who reached out for prayers in this, Roger F. His concern for those he loves comes through in this, and while he is more concered for the suffering of others and had steeled himself for this decision, still it can be distressing when it actually happens. Please comfort him with Your presense Lord, and continue him in the strength he has shown by letting him lean on Your shoulder even as others cry on his.

    I am not of myself worthy to ask anything of You, but by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ I implore Your mercy.

    In His precious name we pray,

    God Bless,

  7. A very dear friend and mentor of mine went the same way. He was the Shift Capt. at one of our area firehouse, I knew he was getting ready to retire but I got blindsided when I called the station and they told me that he retired…call him at home. I called and asked WTF is going on? He told me of the diagnosis and prognosis of maybe 6 months at the most.. I asked what his plan was and he said “I’m going to play as much golf as I can, then when I can’t play anymore I’m gonna sit in my chair and wait to meet the lord!”. I asked what I could do and he told me that I could pray that there are golf courses in heaven…and I get to play them! RIP Capt. William O. Taylor City of Stockton Fire Dept.

  8. Doc WEDNESDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2023, 20:36 AT 8:36 PM

    May the Lord bless the family of Captain William O. Taylor with peace and comfort as well, and bless you for remembering him after his Last Alarm has sounded. Good for him that he was able to retire and spend his last days living as he wished, not everyone is blessed to be able to meet death on their own terms as he did, though we all have a date with our fate sooner or later.

    God Bless,

  9. RogerF – Please accept my condolences most of all for your cousin’s Mother. Will keep you all in my prayers.

    Dear Doc , Have no doubt that Capt.William O. Taylor’s playing golf with Firefighter Thomas McCann Engine 65 (classmate of my Hubby’s) & the 343 of NYC. May God bless you and all here!


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