Oh man, that’s rough. – IOTW Report

24 Comments on Oh man, that’s rough.

  1. rough? …. 10 grit sandpaper ain’t that rough! my old man’s razor stubble ain’t that rough! Maggie’s drawers ain’t that rough!

    yeah, I bet men flock to ‘it’ by the busloads! all the real womans must be real jealous at all the attention ‘it’ gets at parties, huh?

    no wonder ‘it’ has a perpetual scowl … ain’t getting laid by either sex

  2. “Mentally ill people need to go back in the closet or get help.”
    No, they need to live their lives and shut the hell up.
    Nobody gives a shit, sticking your dick in another mans ass, doesn’t make you special or privileged.

  3. I find myself much happier if I avoid/ignore this crap. If I’m at the grocery store and I spy some moron fat bitch with food coloring in her hair, I’ll get into the LONG line. I’m just not going to entertain this crap.

  4. That’s cuz there’s no such thing as a “trans” woman.
    There are men.
    And there are women.
    One cannot transition between.

    THAT (pictured above) is a guy in drag – nothing more – nothing less.
    HE is a mentally-defective pervert.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Looks like a violent little B-otch to me.
    How would you like that thing to go into the girls
    bathroom and whip out his set of hairy balls in front
    of your 14 year old daughter ???

  6. What a twisted “sister” (btw, remember them). Thinks he’s having it both ways. He doesn’t want the full treatment- surgery, hormones etc. He’s a full time transvestite pervert- they still exist. They might hate and resent women even more than drag queers.

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