As Soon as Joe Biden’s Campaign Said President Will Wear Tennis Shoes, Limit Stair Climbs, He Slips Again – IOTW Report

As Soon as Joe Biden’s Campaign Said President Will Wear Tennis Shoes, Limit Stair Climbs, He Slips Again


President Biden nearly took a tumble down the stairs while getting off Air Force Once in Michigan on Tuesday, hours after it was exposed that his campaign team was making efforts to prevent the president from taking a spill in public during the election season.

The 80-year-old president had just landed in Detroit when he disembarked from the jumbo jet at Detroit Metro Airport.


17 Comments on As Soon as Joe Biden’s Campaign Said President Will Wear Tennis Shoes, Limit Stair Climbs, He Slips Again

  1. You’d think someone would do it for free, but I got a wad of cash for whoever spreads a thin layer of grease on the 3rd step from the top. Double it every time he whacks the back of his head on a step while sliding to the bottom.

  2. please stop w/ the ‘ageism’ … it’s not that Biden is 80 years of age that causes him to falter … it’s the cognitive decline of a rotten human being … same w/ the Hillary

    my mother is over 92 years of age & my aunt is over 96 … & they can run rings around that decrepit excuse of an active human being. the propping up of this shell of a pervert would be an object of derision in a normal society

    sadly, we are not a normal society anymore

  3. Shame he didn’t bust his melon.
    But the Lord looks after fools and the afflicted.
    (the Retarded Pedophile Usurper is both a fool and afflicted – so he’s double-covered)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. And these are the “short stairs”, which they started using because the normal stairs were kicking his cog ass. Maybe it’s time for President Pudding Cup to ride the slide. Or just pull up to the gate like everybody else. Or just resign.

    But Putin has cancer and Parkinson’ and a brain tumor, don’t ya know?

  5. Today’s Babylon Bee nails it once again with the headline, “To avoid embarrassing falls, aides will now transport Biden using Presidential hand truck.” With a nifty picture of joey being pushed around upright by an aide using a hand truck to keep joey from falling. I hope that they also use those great big appliance straps to secure joey from falling out.

  6. We used cots, wheelchairs, and stair chairs for tater transport.

    Too good for THIS happy asshole, but after a certain degree of infirmity those are the only safe ways to move age and disease disabled folks like this.

    Unless you, you know, WANT them dead..

  7. Poor old fellow. Evil, rotten, scummy, filthy, vile, corrupt, senile and perverted as he is, using him this way is elder abuse. There isn’t a thought in that oatmeal bowl on his shoulders and his handlers like it that way.

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