They Dented My Dead Father’s Head – IOTW Report

They Dented My Dead Father’s Head


Mejia’s son says that after closing the condo door, a “thump” was audible, followed by “several thumps in a row.” William Mejia says that upon opening the door, he saw an overturned metal stretcher and his father’s head and upper body uncovered and “exposed on the ground,” per the suit; William tried to shield his father’s body from neighbors “by hugging it.” 

Lawsuits involving morgues are bound to be grim, and the one filed by a Texas family is no exception. The relatives of Juan Mejia are suing a Houston morgue for negligence, alleging its employees dropped Mejia’s body as they were removing it on a metal stretcher from his daughter’s second-floor condo, damaging the man’s head. They allege that the two employees of Twinwood Mortuary Service who showed up on June 14, 2021, were young, “visibly hesitant in their decision making,” declined a family member’s offer to assist, and rejected advice that they get additional help from co-workers, reports NBC News.


6 Comments on They Dented My Dead Father’s Head

  1. In Hamilton County we had this creepy pervert who freinded his way into the mogure so he could pose the corpses of people’s loved ones in forced poses with props without consent of any kind.

    My dad had died and been processed in that mogure during the time frame and we had to make sure HE wasn’t one of this ass’s unknowing subjects. As sickening as that was, I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been to have been someone who actually HAD been victimized, like the grieving parents of a departed child that had his corpse outraged thusly.

    Bad as this dropped corpse thing was…that was even WORSE.

  2. I did temp work for a while at a hospital. The morgue was right around the corner from my desk. They brought a body out in a card board box to the loading dock. The card board box got hung up on the wheel well, the worker shoved it so hard the body rolled out. They came to me asking me to help load the body back into the box. Nope, nope, nope.

  3. …but I was told of another disgusting abuse of a corpse, by some asshole who actually was fool enough to think I would find it funny. Years ago the company I worked for hired a parts guy who found out somehow that I had been a medic and as he had worked for a paid ambulance service, thought to swap war stories with me in the smoking area (I was still smokimg then). After some back and forth he told me about the one that got him fired. See, sometimg about that time and place was that I ran with a municipal service and our place was with the living, but if someone was inarguably dead outside of a hospital it legally became the coroner’s problem (there were exceptions but that’s a different subject for another day). The coroner at the time wasn’t particularly energetic or well staffed, so he typically contracted with for-hire ambulance services to remove bodies once the preliminary forensics were done. The yutz talking to me was on about just such a removal, I don’t recall if he said the cause of death but in any case he and a partner were contracted to remove a body at 0 dark early (as these things tended to be) and so had a corpse lying quietly at the other end of a pass-through corridor from the cab they inhabited. They had evidenly achieved a combination of bored and degenerate that I hope and pray I never match, and so one of them hit on the idea of going to a McDonald’s with the body propped in the driver’s seat with the passenger working the pedals and steering just to get a rise out of the poor restaurant employee. I was told by the idiot the prank was a huge “success” in that the order was placed, the window pulled up to, and the poor girl reaching out to shake the understandably unresponsive “driver”, only to be terrified when he slumped over like the corpse he was. They had a huge laugh at her expense, returned the body to its rear area repose, and drove off only to be immediately recalled to base, summarily and justly fired when the distraught McD’s manager read the riot act to their employer over the phone, and they were also charged with abusing a corpse although he went rather vauge on the outcome of that.

    Possibly because I was sufficiently disgusted myself by this point and didn’t spare his feelings when I shared mine, ending with outrage that he insulted me by even thinking I would find this funny. I then went to my boss to tell him what sort of person he had hired, and he was vigorously invited to depart his new erstwhile employer shortly thereafter.

    I’ve stood on enough scenes to see the pain, the loss. the horror, the unutterable sadness of the sudden departure of a loved one to find this in any way funny or excusable. I’ve had my own losses, one such recounted in part above, that I would find the reprobate who chose to abuse mine to be a fit subject for a major ass kicking. That body was once a gift from God, someone’s father, son, husband, brother, uncle or grandpa and deserves the respect of one of His creations as such even when the body is no longer inhabited. Ive handled corpses, not routinely as I said but sometimes, and I treated them as such as I would my own father, and handled them as though they could still feel pain although dead weight is CONSIDERABLY more awkward than live, and so I would expect nothing less from others handling the deceased.

    That’s the body of someone dear to a living person and to the Lord.

    Treat it as such.

  4. …but corpses CAN be awkward to handle, because they ARE dead weight and don’t help you at ALL, in distribution or in posture.

    A family friend who I KNOW to be a good, caring woman gotba job as a mortuary assistant at the funeral home level, prepping bodies for display in the visitation rooms. This is obviously work that happens after investigations and autopsy are long since over, and whatever portion of the decedent is released to the funeral home (often sans lungs, heart, brain, other internals with ligated great veins and old hospital sheets stuffed into the cavities) arrives to have its remaining veins enbalmed, the corpse washed, hair cut, manicure done, cosmetics and sometimes reconstruction done fo make the body viewable, and the corpse dressed to some extent, although usually the garments have the back cut out to simply dressng as the celebrant won’t be moving about much ever again.

    In the pursuit of this our freind was, when she made the mistake of attempting to tilt a 300 pound corpse towards herself on a roller gurney, when the body rolled too far and crushed her to the floor instead, breaking a leg and trapping her until she could scream for help.

    She absndoned that as a career path after that for…some reason.

    Corpses are awkward. Accidents happen. Not excusing anything here, but just know that even with the best of intentions bad things can happen to dead people, and be consoled at least with thr words of Aeschylus, “Pain lays not its touch upon a corpse.”, althogh in some circumstances it can certainly be painful to the family…

  5. …and I know it’s very old news, but to my first post the legalese is pretty dry and TL:DNR (like myself), so here’s a representative outrage just to illustrate what desecration of a corpse and a violation of trust can actually be kike…

    “…At some point, Smith entered the cooler to get a body for a funeral home, and he saw Condon standing by Christina Folchi’s body with photographic lights positioned around it. Smith testified that Condon appeared to be taking pictures of Folchi, a nineteen-year-old accident victim, and that her body was completely exposed. Subsequent pictures of the body taken by Condon and obtained by the police showed Folchi’s body with a catheter tube in her incision, cloth over her eyes, objects on her body (a snail shell, a “Will” card, and sheet music, some of which were positioned around her pubic area), a book by her side, and a key in her mouth.”

    …reads like a necrophiliac version of a letter to Penthouse, nicht wahr? Bear in mind that this dates back to a time when Democrats were still semi-restrained by law and there was still some possibility that Democrat crimes and perversions could be reported on, so in all probability they are up to more and worse today and we’re just not being told about it…


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