Some People Just Completely Suck – IOTW Report

Some People Just Completely Suck

22 Comments on Some People Just Completely Suck

  1. The victim says he does not support harassment or bullying given the state of our criminal justice system and its anemic (nonexistent) approach to metting out proper justice, these are all we have left. That woman should be identified (done) and then feel the full weight of social justice consensus. And if this includes a boss who reads this post, recognizes one of his employees, and decides that she is not the proper face for his business, so be it.

  2. Pseudo-Beachmom, I’m making $5 Million in less than an hour delivering items for people. Seriously! It is so easy. I just dock my ship at a space port, take a mission to deliver goods to another space port (usually in another star system) and PAYDAY BABA!!!! There are times when I can stack 3 or 4 missions in one trip and it is BINGO TIME FOR GRANDMA!!! And there are a few times when the missions are to space ports within the same system and it is at those times in fifteen minutes it’s KACHING KACHING KACHING!!! I couldn’t believe it at first when someone told me I had to lay down $60 for Elite Dangerous but after reviewing the details I knew this was it. I now have over $3 billion in my account and over 20 different ships. You heard that right Pseudo-Beachmom, THREE BaBaBaBaBillion (with a “B” as in Pseudo-Beachmom).
    You to can start earning millions of dollars an hour just by going to this link If that link doesn’t work then try this one:
    And the best part is they have lowered the price so now it is only $45. Can you believe it? You can save $15 dollars now that the price is lower. What are you waiting for? The money and adventure awaits, o7 Commander Pseudo-Beachmom.

  3. Aren’t there legal consequences for assault, destruction of property, and theft?

    I guess the legal “authorities” are too busy indicting President Trump and looking for “white supremacists” to concern themselves with garden-variety crimes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Be smart. Stay apart. Assume any black person you meet has antipathy for you at some level just because you’re white until demonstrated otherwise. You won’t be surprised much.


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