Dems Try Making a Mockery of House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing – IOTW Report

Dems Try Making a Mockery of House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing

PJ Media

The “fake, sham” inquiry into whether or not the House will impeach Joe Biden, pushed by “far-right MAGA extremists” who are “playing” the citizens because these hearings are a “waste of time” and aren’t really “about the United States” but “about Hunter Biden,” and “the only thing [Joe Biden’s] guilty of” is trying to be his loving father.

Oh, and, point of order, Mr. Chairman, “I would like the [extreme MAGA] member to be instructed not to introduce any pornography today.” And I can’t believe that this constitutional law expert who’s “on his way to his next hit on Fox News” is in favor of polygamy.

Remember, this is an inquiry to determine if the House will impeach Joe Biden.

And nobody cares that Joe and Hunter were in cahoots to shake down China, Romania, Moscow, and Ukraine for “10% for the big guy” because look, “half the crowd has left, there is no line to get in” to this “sham” hearing that will “distract” from the government shutdown and only “hurt the economy.” More

10 Comments on Dems Try Making a Mockery of House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing

  1. I watched some of this shitshow and decided our system is beyond repair.
    You get five minutes of content then five minutes of some democrat blathering nonsense.
    They deflect, bring up Trump, enter bullshit NY Times articles into the record.
    Lie, say no evidence, and talk about the government shutdown.
    It’s so deflating you just want those people to die.

  2. Things Democrats have made a mockery of;

    Rule Of Law
    Human Life
    Law Enforcement
    The Constitution
    The Military

    …anything good and decent and holy will be derided by the Democrats as they are none of thise things and despise anyone who is. To be mocked by Democrats is to be mocked by the devil they serve.

    If a Democrat mocks it, that only validates the truth of it.

  3. Impeachment? Why waste the time and money. The Bidens should have had criminal charges for treason already filed against them, been tried and convicted and the appropriate punishment applied. We are officially a banana republic. What a travesty to this once great nation. In less than three years leftists have managed to totally destroy our beloved country and our trust in all traditional institutions.

  4. From the article: “ Now, I recognize this so far reads like a Tourette’s induced poison pen letter, not of Aristotelian canon, but this is actually the Democrats’ playbook on how to energize their supporters in the please-don’t-impeach-old-Joe camp.”

    It’s like he predicted the Tourette’s induced, incoherent ramblings of “Anonymous”, above.

  5. And when the impeachment is presented to the Senate for a vote to convict, the Democrat majority will all vote in lockstep (along with a handful of hard-core RINOS) to acquit. The evidence does not matter. You could have video of the Chinese handing Joe a suitcase full of gold, and Joe handing them plans for the B-21, and the dems (and Mitt) still would vote to acquit.


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