Trump In California Says Looters ‘Should Expect To Be Shot’ If He Retakes White House In 2024 – IOTW Report

Trump In California Says Looters ‘Should Expect To Be Shot’ If He Retakes White House In 2024


Former President Donald Trump said that if he returns to the White House after the 2024 elections, looters “should expect to be shot.”

Trump spoke at the convention of the California Republican Party Friday, two days after skipping the Republican presidential debate at the Reagan Presidential Library.

Former President Donald Trump said that if he returns to the White House after the 2024 elections, looters “should expect to be shot.”

Trump spoke at the convention of the California Republican Party Friday, two days after skipping the Republican presidential debate at the Reagan Presidential Library.

“You have three hundred young people who are not looking for a good future, walk into a store, big department store and they’re just pillaging and if you happen to be there when they’re there, they will knock the hell out of you and kill you in some cases, and we will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft,” Trump continued. “Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. Shot.”


28 Comments on Trump In California Says Looters ‘Should Expect To Be Shot’ If He Retakes White House In 2024

  1. Seems to me, he’s going after the wrong people. What did a thief ever do to him? His focus should be on corrupt leaders and liars, not some piddly ass shoplifter. He’s not going to be given the opportunity.

  2. I don’t disagree with him. It’s past time to make this country safe for decent people.

    All leftists, young and old, need their noses busted.

    And if the GOPes can’t impeach Shitpants yesterday(!), they are worse than worthless. They are obstacles in our way.

  3. Expect an official rebuttal from KamalaKneepads that claims looters have a natural-born right to live they’s culchah.

    Because they can’t be expected to conform to the ‘white man’s world’, or some such anger-inducing lies from the left.

  4. @ Winter is coming SATURDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 2023, 9:23 AT 9:23 AM

    They don’t dare impeach the dirty bastard, most of them have been demonstrably engaged in the same racket. The same in kind, maybe not to the same degree and not as cavalier as the Bidens, but on the take none the less. Harry Truman — ‘Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook‘.

  5. They are called riot guns for a reason. Most of the better ones, Ithaca 37, Winchester 97 & 12, you could hold the trigger back and empty the eight shot magazine by working the fore end.

  6. Mom’s folk lived through “The Big One” 117 years ago.
    After the quakes looters would break into homes, kill anyone who tried to stop them and set fire to the home to hide their misdeeds! Quake broke many pipes; so fires sometimes not extinguished. Frisco Mayor and Cal Gov asked Teddy to send Army. He sent “Black Jack’. Jack said any looters will be shot dead~. Looters said Army will not kill Americans. After. 3 or 4 looters were SHOT DEaD the looting stopped and no more NEW fires.

    An ENFORCED death penalty is very effective! Kew word there is ENFORCED!

  7. You don’t need to shoot all of them. After the first dozen or so fall, the rest will scatter like roaches when you turn the light on. After repeating this a few times, most of the looting will stop.

  8. Declare looting locations a Free Fire Zone. Anyone defending their business from looters with live fire, should be held harmless. The problem would cease overnight I don’t think the Korean business owners in LA were ever prosecuted.

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