Record rain in New York City generates ‘life-threatening’ flooding – IOTW Report

Record rain in New York City generates ‘life-threatening’ flooding

Egypt Independent

Record-setting rain overwhelmed New York City’s sewer system Friday, sending a surge of floodwater coursing through streets and into basements, schools, subways and vehicles throughout the nation’s most populous city.

The water rose fast and furious, catching some commuters off guard as they slogged through Friday morning’s rush hour. First responders jumped into action where needed, plucking people from stranded cars and basements filling like bathtubs.

More rain fell in a single day at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport – nearly 8 inches – than any other since 1948. A month’s worth of rain fell in Brooklyn in just three hours as it was socked by some of the storm’s most intense rainfall rates Friday morning.

The prolific totals are a symptom of climate change, scientists say, with a warmer atmosphere acting like a massive sponge, able to sop up more water vapor and then wring it out in intense spurts which can easily overwhelm outdated flood protections. MORE

14 Comments on Record rain in New York City generates ‘life-threatening’ flooding

  1. Eight inches of rain!?! Where I’m from, we call that a scattered thundershower. Six years ago, we got a hair under sixty inches in a five-day period. Every time it sprinkles in New York, they call it a Super Storm so they can claim billions from the federal government.

  2. Water and sewer are basic infrastructure to any city.

    Blue shitheads don’t give a single fuck about basic responsibilities to manage a cities basic needs because Blue shitheads can only focus on meaningless emotional feel good infantile needs and find adulting impossible.

    Drown in the shit you voted for Blue shitheads. We have 3 lakes from large to small in my little bean town of 12k. They all have concrete runoff cascades, rip/rap lined overflow channels and drain into creeks.

    We get 6 inches of rain in a thunderstorm and not a single street floods because Red Patriots are adults who don’t drown in effluent when it storms.

    Fuck Blue America

  3. Meanwhile New Orleans is dealing with drought conditions. Because climate change… or because sometimes more rain falls than normal in some areas, less in others.

  4. Schadenfreude aside, the city engineers designed the system to drain only so much, and above that limit it is known it will flood, and about which areas will flood first. Probably a nice report on that in a file cabinet somewhere.

    It is designed for some anticipated “normal” rainfall. So, even if they designed for a 100-year rain, it won’t save you for a 500-year or first in history rainfall, and you’re on your own when you get Nature’s full fury.

    So, where other coastal ares might sandbag or evacuate for an anticipated big storm, NYC failed to take similar acitons and will have significant disruption to their lives. Hope not dying for not coming in out of the rain.


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