Who’s At Fault??? – IOTW Report

Who’s At Fault???

Why is this even a question?

43 Comments on Who’s At Fault???

  1. Jeep was out in the middle lane for 5 seconds before the speeder hit.
    Not sure if they even braked?
    Likely on their phone.
    Intersections are dangerous.
    Not full exoneration for the Jeep but they used their signal which is more than most do…

  2. The asshole pulling into an active lane of traffic and not getting out of the way of those that have already established their right of way. Either step on the gas or stay on the side of the road!

  3. If you’re in the wrong lane, tough shit. Make the turn and find a driveway or parking lot you can turn around in. The guy making the illegal lane change is 100% responsible. I see this maneuver on an almost daily basis, so I’m always on the alert. I don’t know the speed limit, so can’t say if the jeep was speeding

  4. Both drivers are at fault – the one on antihistamines pulling out without looking and the one on crack speeding like a maniac. Just a guess. Most idiots are on something these days.

  5. you’re in the left-hand turn lane & realize you want to go straight instead?
    you better make damn sure you have a clear path, because in a (probably) 40 mph straightaway cars gonna go through the green light at 40+

    it’s the hesitant, unwise putt-putter in the left lane’s fault

    ‘course it’s probably no-fault & the insurance companies will total the cars & give then used car value … & good luck finding another identical vehicle that costs as little

  6. If you can’t see the car pulling into your lane with a five second cushion you are not paying attention.
    It’s called defensive driving for a reason.
    Dude was likely on the phone, blazing through the light while texting.
    Got what they deserved…

  7. Most states apply the “Last Clear Chance Doctrine” in their traffic law. Although worded differently in each state, it basically boils down to the concept that ‘Even if the plaintiff was negligent in connection with an accident, they can still recover damages if the defendant could have avoided the accident altogether by the exercise of ordinary care and reasonable prudence’. Like it or not, that’s the way the cookie crumbles. The black car was screwing up, but the white car was not exercising the ordinary care or reasonable prudence that would have prevented the collision.

  8. Hesitation kills.

    When I was driving emergency vehicles, the instructions were that you had to ensure even under Code 3 conditions that you could SAFELY take a lane, an intersection, or a turn, and having made up your mind that you COULD, you moved in IMMEDIATELY and with authority. That’s because YOUR hesitation could confuse other people, and the situation can and does change rapidly so you had to sieze the moment when you saw it. While it did help that these were typically large vehicles painted red and festooned with lights, you’d be surprised how many people didn’t seem THEM, either, even in the pre-cellphone age, so you had to be vigilant before making a move and rapid while making a move to put the issue beyond question. Ohio revised code uses the phrase “with due regard” a whole bunch of times about deciding to do things affecting other vehicle operators even when under full sail, so it’s all the MORE important when you are operating something that just blends in and doing something the lines on the road say you are NOT supposed to do.

    Not saying that the guy SHOULD have changed lanes where and when he did; just saying that, having MADE UP HIS MIND to change lanes, he should have IMMEDIATELY changed lanes. If you don’t have the confidence to do that, you shouldn’t start the maneuver in the FIRST place.

    As to the speeding guy, that’s every day at every intersection. He ALSO has a responsibility to act with due regard, but when I drive my car every day I just assume every other driver is a blooming idiot and act accordingly. Had the guy in the Jeep done so, none of this would have happened.

    The person I feel the WORST for is the guy in the white car in front in the left turn lane. He wasn’t doing a damn thing other than trying to live his life, and now he has to deal with THIS nonsense. Hope he gets a lawyer and eats BOTH those other guys for lunch.

  9. The guy quietly waiting to turn left is at fault.

    He didn’t realize that the other two drivers had much more important things to do and could not wait for even a few seconds.

    Cheers, I just finished a VERY long weekend of driving Kids, Parents & Supplies Around (Toronto to Kingston). I can’t wait to get back to work where at least I get a Coffee Break!

  10. No individual should be allowed to own a car! Only the government!
    They’re just too dangerous!
    If it would save only one life, it would be worth us all walking wherever we have to go.

  11. When the smoke clears, the insurance companies go through the arbitration process and a decision rendered, it’ll be a wash. Both parties are “at fault” and each insurance company will just eat the loss (that is of course if both had insurance).

  12. Conservative Cowgirl is correct
    the black jeep, in a dedicated left turn lane crossed the solid line
    you’re not supposed to change lanes with the solid lines
    no one’s in a hurry now

  13. Somewhat surprised that the Jeep had a CO plate and not an AL plate. Each time I drive through AL I have noticed that when a vehicle turns on its turn signal, what it really means is get the hell out of my way because here I come. I give them credit for knowing how to accuate the signal, but they have not yet learned what those mirrors are for.

  14. The dummbass who tried to change lanes from the Mandatory left turn lane to the straight through lane is at fault. If you are in the wrong lane go where you are supposed to. The worst case scenario is you have to go around the block. Which beats getting hit by somebody trying to beat the light.

  15. By the way…watch the video again, very closely; the black car did NOT use his turn signal. It was his brake lights, you can see the third brake light come on at the same time.

  16. Was the suv speeding? None of us know, unless you are familiar with that intersection. I have seen lots of similar intersections with a 55 mph speed
    Limit. Here is an explanation of reaction time from the NTSB:

    “A typical reaction time to perceive a threat such as a deer or a child running into the road is about 3/4 second, and then you add another 3/4 second to decide to act and move your foot to the brake pedal – that’s 1.5 seconds so far. At 55 mph, the distance traveled is 121 feet. Only then does the car begin to slow. On dry pavement that takes 4 1/2 seconds, traveling another 144 feet, but if it’s wet, you’ll travel 183 feet. You can do the math – it has taken about as
    long as a football field to stop your car at 55 mph (265 and 303 feet), and that is assuming you were alert. At 30 mph, it is about half a football field.”

    It was 8 seconds from the start of the video to impact. You drive with a certain level of trust that the other guys will obey the rules of the road. Yeah, there are a LOT of idiots out there, and you have to have your head on a swivel, but you can’t anticipate every scenario, or see 3 directions at once. The guy in the black jeep is clearly at fault. If it can be proven that the guy in the suv was speeding, he maybe found a % at fault, but as someone pointed out above the insurance companies will come to an understanding.

  17. A green light doesn’t give anybody the right to barrel through an intersection regardless of whether it is blocked or not. If the path is blocked, you must stop or yield. Refer to the driver’s handbook in your state.

  18. Bill Shakespeare MONDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2023, 7:37 AT 7:37 AM
    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”

    Hyuck! MY usual excuse was “I was getting a blowie”.

  19. ““I have seen lots of similar intersections with a 55 mph speed

    WOW! Some of the crap that gets posted here!

    Nope, gonna have to call bullshit on that one…”

    Swing by Rogersville on US 60.

  20. I’m calling 100% bullshit on anonymous.
    A lot of people lie to try and own me here.
    That’s all they have I suppose.

    It doesn’t really matter though, this was a busy 35 MPH intersection that required the idiot to slow down.
    This was NOT some obscure West Texas intersection populated with prairie dogs & tumbleweeds…

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