McCarthy Out – IOTW Report

McCarthy Out

McCarthy ousted as House speaker in dramatic vote as Democrats join with GOP critics to topple him.


Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the job Tuesday in an extraordinary showdown, a first in U.S. history, The 216-210 vote, forced by a contingent of hard-right conservatives, throws the House and its Republican leadership into chaos.

McCarthy’s chief rival, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, brought forward the “motion to vacate” drawing together more than a handful of conservative Republican critics of the speaker and many Democrats who say he is unworthy of leadership.

Next steps are uncertain, but there is no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority.


How does this impact the Biden Impeachment?


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) mocked Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) assertion that House Republicans have accomplished much in the way of oversight this year, characterizing their efforts as “failure theater” in a speech shortly before the House vote on whether to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Jordan, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, defended McCarthy on the grounds that the GOP had engaged in robust oversight of the executive branch under his leadership.

“Because of our oversight, we know that parents were targeted by the Department of Justice. Because of our oversight, we know that 51 former intel officials misled the country weeks before the most important election we have. And because of our oversight, the Disinformation Governance Board at the Department of Homeland Security is gone,” declared Jordan. “Because of our oversight, the memo attacking pro-life Catholics has been rescinded. Because of our oversight, unannounced visits to Americans’ home by the Internal Revenue Service has stopped. That happened under Speaker McCarthy.”

“It is difficult,” argued Gaetz, “to champion oversight when House Republicans haven’t even sent a subpoena to Hunter Biden. So it’s hard to make the argument that oversight is the reason to continue when it sort of looks like failure theater.”


53 Comments on McCarthy Out

  1. Will there be an attempt to go outside the House to elect a Speaker? From within the House I like Clay Higgins and Byron Donalds, but there are likely candidates that could be better. With 435 members I can’t pretend to know them all.

  2. I’m not defending. This whole things a waste of time and now the impeachment hearings stop. It’s a waste of time because the next guy will be just as ineffective.
    I hope to God it’s Gaetz.

  3. On the one hand, I understand when some of the GOP complains that this shows disunity. On the other, I don’t care. Because the same people will tell us we need to send more money to Ukraine… seriously, we’re supposed to listen to them? Again?

  4. “Because the same people will tell us we need to send more money to Ukraine…”

    It’s all Kabuki theater. And mean while, according to MTG, and others, the impeachment inquiries STOP. Biden wins again.

  5. McCarthy had way too much respect for Xiden and his crooked dealings. He had to go. Sadly, the Speaker candidates will be chosen among equally repulsive RINOs playing musical chairs. Proof – a RINO McHenry is the temporary Speaker now.
    I’ll be surprised a real conservative gets to be The Speaker of the House.

  6. 99th

    Exactly. And even if we do get a true conservative the place is crawling with swamp rat RINOs. Remember, the guy they just booted out couldn’t get enough votes for the impeachment hearings.

  7. so what the impeachment inquiry stops.
    nothing was going to happen anyway.
    Mccarthy could have kept the job by keeping his word.
    if Mccarthy gave the dems everything they wanted, What’s the difference?
    shut it down, shut it all down. then start hanging all of them. they don’t represent common citizens anyway. shut the government down. no one will notice.

  8. What was Jordon talking about? We know all of those things because of Congressional oversight? Helen Keller would have known those things without the Congressional oversight.

    We all know that not a damn thing would have happened as a result of all that Congressional oversight.

    Perhaps if they actually took care of those problems instead of blowing smoke up our rear ends about them things may not have come to this.

  9. Bannon was saying the morning that McCarthy and his staff of lawyers weren’t allowing Jordan or Comer to subpoena any witnesses for the Biden impeachment. If true it would be yet more evidence that McCarthy was never serious about getting back to regular order and holding Biden accountable for his numerous crimes.

    What amazes me is that all the house democrats voted to oust him. It only took 8 republican yea votes to remove McCarthy. That’s a lot of leverage in the hands of less than a dozen members of the house.

  10. It took Democrats to kick him out and no doubt for all the wrong reasons. This congress can’t do anything right, screw them. The whole thing is a garbage skow.

  11. I think this may have accomplish one thing, which is lie and don’t get things done you promised you were going to do you’re out of here.
    That is what scares them.
    By the way, what good is oversight if they don’t do anything about it?
    How about creating a balanced budget without raising taxes? You know the thing, your job?

  12. McCarthy agreed to the Freedom Caucus terms. If he couldn’t or wouldn’t play hard ball with Xiden, then he’s out. Really suspect McCarthy was gaming Gaetz. McCarthy was Speaker just long enough to keep Ukraine fully funded. He expected to be ousted because, “RINO Mission Accomplished” – a loyal Deep State sacrificial lamb.

  13. I like what DC Draino said – essentially that McCarthy made promises and he hasn’t anywhere near lived up to them:

    Vacating McCarthy – My analysis:

    I stand with Rep

    McCarthy agreed to rules when he was voted in as Speaker that he is not following

    Now he gets punished, simple as that

    If Gaetz and others don’t hold him accountable, KM will continue to steamroll Republican voters with Uniparty concessions

    Yes, I’d prefer to continue investigating the Biden crime family and fight as a unified front against the Democrats, but at a certain point, we have to put our foot down and say “enough is enough”

    That time is now

    Here’s what I think will happen:

    McCarthy will be vacated from the Speaker position and we’ll return to endless rounds of Speaker votes

    Do we have an heir apparent? No

    I frankly expect McCarthy to be voted back in as Speaker after an extensive public humiliation exercise, but only after more concessions are made to Gaetz and crew

    And that’s what why we should all support Gaetz

    Democracy is ugly, messy, and uncertain, but real change can only happen when courageous Patriots take a firm stand

    Gaetz and crew are the Patriots taking that stand and returning even more power back to the People

    (note that this is prior to McCarthy saying he won’t run)

  14. Matt Gaetz being interviewed by Eric Bolling on Newsmax now.
    He just put down acting speaker recessing Congress until Tuesday instead of getting to the business of electing the next Speaker.

  15. Of the eleven republicans that voted to remove McCarthy I think Gaetz would get my vote. I’m still pissed off that just eleven voted for removal along with all the frickin donkeys! WTF?!?!

  16. I let my rep know he voted the wrong way. McCarthy should never have been elected. I can’t believe people were stupid enough to believe he would keep his word.
    What exactly has Republicans done? Hold a few hearings, get a few soundbites, the same as always.
    I have no doubt though another establishment POS will be elected. Apparently there are few conservatives.

  17. the sphincter-dictator-position needs to evolve into a 3-person arrangement or something else that precludes one dicksucker from being able to circumvent every voter in america

  18. What did Joe do to deserve 2 more packs? Must be smaller cans.

    TBH, I don’t think anyone here knows what’s going on as to who is right or wrong. Trump endorses McCarthy, yet a Trump guy (Gaetz) gets him bounced. Boebert, who made hay out of her initial hold out and getting concessions, votes for McCarthy, as well as the 2 guys I like the best (Donalds and Higgins, who are not RINO’s), Nancy Mace (who is the House equivalent to Mitt Romney) votes to bounce him. Alliances ebb and flow, zig then zag, then jump sides altogether.

    Hard to imagine such division and rancor on the other side when Pelosi ran things.

  19. Joe6
    One of the few times we slightly disagree. That speaker “figure head” doesn’t mean jack shit. In three months everyone here orgasming over McCarthy’s explosion will be bitching about the next guy.Let’s talk about the ultra conservative people that voted him out. Let’s start with pro abortion Nancy Mace. Really. The same woman that wants to describe morning sexual encounters to a freakin prayer group. So now she’s one of us. You can’t trust any of these people. Another case in point, Chip Roy. Everybody.overs Chip Roy and damn Trump for not endorsing him. Well it turns out Chip Roy was one of the main characters trying to get rid of Ken Paxton. You can’t trust any of them. What was accomplished here? The Biden impeachment hearing was stopped.

  20. I know Brad, I’m totally disgusted with it all. How many times am I going to say I’m done paying attention to this shit? Then, within a day or two I’m right back being pissed off at all these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS that are ruining our country! I think we’re fucked!

  21. It just keeps sucking us back in. But watching the majority of the posts here is depressing. The Biden impeachment can just got kicked down the road by Libtards like Nancy Mace. And the crowd goes wild.

  22. You all know that when we get a new speaker of the house we get a new congress which means all of the rules change. All of them.
    They start fresh make new rules and leaders and all that goes along with it.
    It is going to be a shit show.

  23. Good points Geoff but how much worse can it get?
    I mean seriously?
    Ukrainian soldiers were going to get paid BY AMERICAN TAXPAYERS during a shutdown while American soldiers WERE NOT!

    How the FUCK does that even fly?
    In our historic past motherfuckers would have hanged from the nearest tree…


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