Kevin McCarthy: ‘I Will NOT Run for Speaker Again’ – IOTW Report

Kevin McCarthy: ‘I Will NOT Run for Speaker Again’

GP: As TGP’s Jordan Conradson previously reported, Matt Gaetz’s motion to vacate the chair against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Passed after a vote on the House Floor Tuesday. He is no longer Speaker of the House.

Now we have breaking news that there will not be another 20 round marathon trying to elect Kevin McCarthy again. He will not run for Speaker again and had the gall to quote Lou Gehrig while explaining why. more here

34 Comments on Kevin McCarthy: ‘I Will NOT Run for Speaker Again’

  1. Some chick from Poolitico:
    There is a group of House Rs huddled and praying on the House floor

    Rep. Ann Wagner appears to be crying

    But the page doesn’t work so you can’t see the video.

    Wonder what asshole will win Speaker next?

  2. This may have disastrous consequences in the long term, but in the short term, I am EXTREMELY happy about this. Fuck you, McCarthy, you back-stabbing two-faced mealy-mouthed P.O.S.

  3. one thing’s for sure, this whole country’s getting an up close & in person hard lesson in civics/political grift
    the whole world is watching to see what happens next

    i wonder if this turn of events also means nomo monay for lilZ 🙂

  4. Pushing one turd from the top of the cesspool is clearly a victory, but, unless I’m mistaken, another turd will float to the top.

    DC is a cesspool – we musn’t forget that and it needs to be cleaned out by whatever means necessary.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. A man is no better than his word.
    Liars never prosper.

    Here’s a couple of quotes McCarthy should remember:

    The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.
    Ernest Hemingway
    McCarthy Failed.

    I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

    MCCarthy struckout as he attempted to do what Boehner and Ryan did (lie, deceit) and survive as speaker.
    McCarthy failed his mentors miserably.

  6. I see a couple of scenarios that may happen after this …

    the RePubes fracture into blocs, each one trying to power-broker one another & make deals with the D’cRats during votes. which is what D’cRats hope for &, as the D’cRats are a monolithic group bent on the destruction of the USA, is quite probable.

    another scenario is that, impossible though it may seem, the RePubes make a pact to work together as the Majority!!!! party & dare the Senate to block them.

    this could be the defining moment of a new RePubican Party, if they only have the fortitude to grasp it
    … one can dream

  7. OMG incoming liberal splody heads in 3.. 2.. 1

    Sean Hannity: “Sources are telling me at this hour, some House Republicans have been in contact with and have started an effort to draft former President Donald Trump to be the next Speaker. And, I have been told that President Trump might be open to helping the Republican Party, at least in the short term, if necessary.”

  8. “ McCarthy came up in the swamp. Just picture what they have on this guy. I’m glad he’s gone.”

    This is the problem with conservatives today. They’re all red neck stupid. Matt Gaetz should be forced as the new speaker. With in four weeks he’d be catching shit. God I hate critics

  9. I really thought he would cut a deal with the Democrats. I have to admire him for not doing so. I’ve been highly critical of him, but this was admirable on his part.

    He very easily could have given them committee chairs and other perks and still green Speaker.

  10. I should add, I’m not defending McCarthy. It’s the current political polarity. No matter who occupies that position will look like a libtard IF they want the business of the people to get done

  11. @MJA “I wonder how Frank Luntz is taking it.”
    @MrLiberty “How do you think Frank Luntz is taking it? Bent over and from behind as always.”
    He’s taking a POLE right now!

  12. “… business of the people …”

    Congress doesn’t do the “business of the people,” Congress is too busy lying and cheating the American people through their money-laundering operation in Ukraine and beyond.
    They haven’t time for the great unwashed masses.
    If they gave half a damn about America they’d seal the border, de-fund the DOJ and FBI, pass Legislation making election fraud a capital offense, de-certify the last election fraud, free the J6 peeps, get the Hell out of Ukraine, straighten out the Armed Forces, stop inflation, deport the illegal-alien invaders, repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments, impeach all the crooked judges, repeal ObolaCare, and a host of other things.

    But they won’t do shit – corruption is its own reward.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Kevin McCarthy: ‘I Will NOT Run for Speaker Again’

    Don’t tell me that you were planning to do a repeat! I didn’t think there was a single Republican that would do the right thing and oust you, and he did, and he got the votes. Things are shaking up – I hope for the better.


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