Beloved Activist Randomly Stabbed to Death – IOTW Report

Beloved Activist Randomly Stabbed to Death

“The tiger didn’t go crazy. The tiger went tiger.” – Chris Rock


Disturbing new video shows the moment a big-hearted activist and talented poet was randomly stabbed to death in front of his girlfriend, who desperately tried to get help in the aftermath of the harrowing attack in Brooklyn.

Ryan Carson, 32, can be seen sitting on a bus stop bench in Bedford-Stuyvesant and speaking with his girlfriend as the two made their way home from a wedding on Long Island just before 4 a.m. Monday, according to the surveillance footage.

Wearing a gray suit, Carson and the young woman, dressed in a blue, sleeveless gown, get up and begin to walk down the block, in the same direction as a man in a dark sweatshirt who had just strolled past the pair at the B38 bus stop, with his hood up over his head and his hands in his pockets.

Just feet ahead of them, the stranger begins kicking scooters parked near the curb for no apparent reason, the footage — obtained by The Post on Tuesday — shows. 

Suddenly, the unhinged man turns to Carson and says, “What the f–k are you looking at?”


That’s when he learned a thing or two in the last moments of his life.

40 Comments on Beloved Activist Randomly Stabbed to Death

  1. I posted a comment a few days ago about, given the sad state of our collective safety in our “new” dystopian society we find ourselves in, the need to reclaim agency in our own safety and well-being. Part and parcel of this is being better attuned to our visual surroundings and what elements in those surroundings could pose a threat.

    Yeah, we can slam this guy for being out at 4am and what a shitty boyfriend he “was” for putting his girlfriend in equal peril but even after finding himself in that position, he could have saved his life with just a bit of situational awareness.

    Not looking up and getting prepared when the loner black dude in a hoody walked by, continuing to advance toward an obviously mentally unbalanced fool as he kicked over the scooters, and then pushing him repeatedly, further antagonizing him. Yes, he did place himself between the attacker and his girlfriend, good for him, but he had chances and clues to get out of there and he ignored them.

    And stating the obvious, even diluted SJW “Activists” don’t deserve to get murdered in the streets.

  2. This post could morph into another “carry with one in the chamber” discussion, but we already went down that path….twice…to no avail for he that shall remain nameless….

  3. “stating the obvious, even diluted SJW “Activists” don’t deserve to get murdered in the streets.”

    Sure they do. They won’t hesitate to fuck up your life. They all deserve to be put on pikes, or murdered by the very joggers they love. Fuck them all.

  4. Yes we went down that road and some idiot actually said that “a gun with an empty chamber, yet full magazine is about as good as a rock.”

    Yes, some idiot named willys ACTUALLY SAID THAT!
    And some dumbass here actually praised him the other night for being a patriot!

    Certainly, the guy being out at 4 AM in THAT town would have raised his “SITUATIONAL AWARENESS” to the point that he would already have chambered a round.
    But even if he had NOT, he had plenty of time to take the less than a second to chamber one and capp the nigga.

    But willys says he should just “throw the gun at the assailant.”
    Evidently willys is such an inept douchebag he can’t pull back the slide of a firearm.
    Make it stop!

  5. Loco, What’s the difference between a SA revolver and a DA revolver?… And…If you carry a DA revolver on a empty cylinder (the rest are loaded) what happened when you pull the trigger once?…and then if you pull the trigger twice?….Grounds keeper Willy’s wooorrrrrk is done here….LOL…

  6. “SITUATIONAL AWARENESS”. Well you certainly can’t discount situational awareness. But in this case both the Lib and his poor girl friend were pretty dam aware of trouble coming. That ship had sailed. Well with in 21 feet and closing. About the time she stopped walking they should have flipped a bitch and headed the opposite direction, pronto. As it were, he should have been running down the ooda loop and tried to figure out how to stay alive. Guys like this should tattoo victim on they’re forehead. “The dangerous man is a good man”

  7. Loco…Well you see Loco (picture Barney Fife explaining stuff to Mayor Pike with a tape measure). I don’t need to throw my gun because it always has one in the pipe….

  8. Back in the 80s some denizens of NYC told me Bed-Stuy was a cesspool.
    I thought it had been a classy place.

    Maybe the guy really did believe all the bullshit?
    But just cuz you believe something, doesn’t mean it’s true – or even factual – it just means that YOU believe it.

    Oh, for the sub-thread, I don’t carry – concealed or otherwise – too many assholes need killin and I don’t want to be that guy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. 2 giant red flags – their location & the time of day

    never make eye contact with psychos or walk toward them
    that’s enough to make them get fixated & that’s when shit gets real

  10. Why not Uber where they needed to go?
    Get a ride from a friend after the reception?
    Call a taxi?

    Who stays out till 4am?!? Only bad things happen after 2am…I grew up knowing that.

    The last thing I’d do would be to wait for a bus in a city at 4am. It’s stupid and naive. They could have gotten a room overnight and head out again at a decent hour. There were many ways to have not been in that situation.

    Woulda coulda shoulda.

  11. Illustr8r

    The thing is, this could have just as easily happened at 4:00 PM. And it could just as easily occurred where you or I live. Our country is accelerating towards total civil melt down. And the cops won’t be there to save you. Looting stores, smash and grabs out of the back of cars, it just keeps getting worse. If you have the opportunity, get a carry permit and get trained.

  12. Have to agree with Brad here.
    You could walk down the Vegas Strip at any time of day and you will have some drugged out homeless freak screaming their lungs out at imaginary people.
    Sometimes they attack tourists.
    Vegas police don’t do a damned thing about it.
    And this is in front of billion dollar properties.

  13. Only after 2am. In past days gone by this might of been true. In Shitcago you don’t dare go to the Southside after dusk. Your not safe in a Uber, car or truck unless it’s bullet proof.

  14. Truth of the matter is there’s not much you can do while manipulating pistol that doesn’t take the better part of a second. Preferred draw stroke is drive the web between the index finger and the thumb as deep as you can of the grip, pull straight to in front of your strong side pec as your support hand falls in place, punch straight out as you acquire your site pic. Acceptable times to the first shot are 1.8, 1.7. If you do your reps you can hit the 1.1 mark. Now imagine adding racking the slide. It’s a freaken joke a why you always see the Israeli’s carry long guns. And honestly that’s what they depend on, they’re long guns.
    I constantly run into these pistoleros who claim they’re .7 to the first shot. It’s always fun putting a shot timer on them. They’re always 2 seconds plus.

  15. His girlfriend is no better. I wonder if she called the police.

    “According to journalist Andy Ngo, Carson’s girlfriend, Claudia V. Morales, is a Black Lives Matter activist who is against the p“She was at a BLM riot in Boston in 2020, blaming police for violence when they tried to arrest rioters,” Ngo reported.”

  16. His girlfriend is no better. I wonder if she called the police.

    “According to journalist Andy Ngo, Carson’s girlfriend, Claudia V. Morales, is a Black Lives Matter activist who is against the police. “She was at a BLM riot in Boston in 2020, blaming police for violence when they tried to arrest rioters,” Ngo reported.”

  17. ^^^^^ interesting, Chumlee

    There is a video of an Asian Frog gobbling up black scorpions with ease….then, the frog smiles, or seems to, after his meal.

    Whoever videoed it put them together in a glass cage so he could video the action. It is not for weak stomachs.

  18. @Brad. Last month I RO’d at the Legion Memorial R&G. 5 and 10 K, three days counting the RO’s that run on Frideay. Spenser Tn. You need to come shoot with us. Fund raiser for 5th Group. Not for beginners, but you ain’t that. We have active SF as role players, and scenarios that will challenge every aspect of short and long gun shooting. Videos are up now of what this year looked like. You can see me on stage one being a goober.

  19. Lowell, I consider that a huge compliment from someone I respect the hell out of. You’re obviously a bolts a nuts tac guy that knows their craft. I’ve had a strong desire to try and shoot competitive pistol I think since I was born. It’s not unlike boxing,a sweet science. I’m pushing the youngsters to take over the family biz. Hell I’d fly out there to drink a couple beers with you and try and figure out our next move to save our country. Thanks bud

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