Chip Roy sets himself on fire – IOTW Report

Chip Roy sets himself on fire

Revolver: Well, they don’t call him “Chip Soy” for no reason, that’s for darn sure. Chip Roy, a DeSantis supporter and a congressman from Texas, had a full-blown meltdown over the eviction of liar and turncoat Kevin McCarthy. Roy, who, like Trey Gowdy, is known for being all talk and little action, directed his anger at MAGA. This eruption came after Matt Gaetz, a staunch Trump supporter, took down Kevin McCarthy for making secret backroom deals with Biden and Schumer over Ukraine while failing to uphold other promises he made to the American people. We’ve previously featured Chip Roy on Revolver, revealing his role as an establishment figure who played a critical early part in the four-year (failed) effort to remove Trump-supporter Ken Paxton from office. more here

38 Comments on Chip Roy sets himself on fire

  1. OT: someone I know got banned from X for this ‘violent speech’. Appeal denied.

    “Let the politicians know all the time that they work for us! @TheDemocrats @GOP @POTUS @realDonaldTrump”

  2. Will Chip come back to his senses when Governor Desantis and his Quixotic dream crashes so he can finish the job we elected him to do?
    When I saw his statements on AG Paxton sham impeachment, it showed he is a RINO.

  3. I remember when everyone here was upset Trump didn’t endorse Chip Roy. Trump was right again. Truth be told I was questioning Trump too.I no longer question DJT. Chip Roy just outed himself. He’s a Bushy piece of shit. Just like the loser from Florida. What’s her name? Oh yea Ronda, the Navy Seal.

  4. There’s Brad again, hating on women so much that he thinks it’s the biggest insult to call a grown, accomplished man by a woman’s name.
    That said, little Brad couldn’t hold DeSantis’s jock strap.
    Brad’s hero who he has homo-erotic dreams about will spend the rest of his life in courtrooms while RDS will go on to bigger & better things.
    Sad Brad will be even sadder.

  5. Loco, I thought it lame when you typed it. But you’re just so cool I had to try it too. You gonna follow this bitch into negative polling numbers? Cause he’s about there.

  6. This is what I mean when I say this site is becoming unreadable: LBS just has to add a provocative comment brad responds (brad you shouldn’t). I think LBS just loves attention.

    LBS: you comment incessantly; nobody wants to read your opinion all the time. Stop posting.

  7. I think your inner compass is off kilter Magellan.
    I get that you seem to have a crush on that Brad dude.

    As for this thread, I mentioned that whomever Chip Roy supports for president had nothing to do with the situation and that signaled to me that this was a biased hit piece.
    I was not wrong.
    Brad chimes in to impugn both women and men because he is insecure as a zit-faced school girl at the Junior Prom.

    Oh, if I “love attention” why are you providing it?

    Lastly, if I want to comment here every single post that doesn’t mean you have to read a single word I write.

  8. Brad, your obsession with Loco is SO tiresome and predictable.

    You’re like a child that refuses to grow up.

    I truly feel sorry for your wife and children. How you are here is how you are all the time.

    Another post/thread being shit upon by you. I understand you can’t help yourself, but not letting you know only helps perpetuate it.

    It’s not a coincidence that it happens more and more when you get drunk.

    You drive people away, Brad, by doing this over and over and over. It’s like you think you own the place. You don’t.

    It’s not your house, Brad. Quit shitting on the furniture and floor.

    When you’re sober? Not so bad. You have a lot to contribute. But 98% of the time? you’re trash with your drunken rants and obsession with Loco.

    No one cares what you have to say about him. You make yourself the bad guy by your own words/mindset.

  9. @ Magellan

    Nobody appointed you gate-keeper or comment counter, this site is all about opinions. And Loco is not driving anyone away, it’s the guy with the hair trigger anger issues who threatens physical violence at the drop of a hat, he more than anyone here is driving readers away. Nobody likes a bully. And if you were really paying attention, you would notice that the bully posts 3 times as often as Loco ( So Tired was spot on). At least Loco does not make shit up and has receipts, readily at hand, when pressed to provide them.

  10. Oh look, fan mail.

    First off Monday thru Friday I’m good for about two beers. Unfortunately you’re experiencing my natural obnoxious personality.
    Second of all, man am I living rent free in your little head.
    And lastly, you’re a coward. Every damn thing I post here I put my name on. Everything. I’m pretty sure I know who this is and always thought you were a petty little guy. So I’m going to give a chance to do something manly. It’s a start and who knows. You could actually grow some testicles. For your own good, identify yourself below. Otherwise you’ll continue to go through life as one big smelly vajajay.
    Oh, and I’m pretty sure you were shit face when you wrote that.

  11. Rich is an arrogant fucktard, too. That is why he gets along with loco so well. They are both arrogant know- nothing dirtbags who have made this place unpleasant.


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