Putin Says He Will Nuke the U.S. and There Will Be No Survivors – IOTW Report

Putin Says He Will Nuke the U.S. and There Will Be No Survivors

I sorta thought the world would come to an end under that jackass Joe Biden.

It was nice knowing everyone.

I’m not joking. Putin would do it, and how would we stop it?


Putin threatens the West with total nuclear destruction leaving ‘no chance of survival’ in the event of a strike on Russia as he warns his ‘Satan-2’ and ‘Flying Chernobyl’ missiles are ready for use in ranting anti-US speech.

President Vladimir Putin has threatened the West with total nuclear destruction leaving ‘no chance of survival’ in the event of a strike on Russia. 

In a ranting anti-US speech, the dictator said his powerful ‘Satan-2’ and ‘Flying Chernobyl‘ missiles are ready for deployment in an ominous doomsday warning. 

Putin told a conference in Sochi: ‘From the moment the launch of missiles is detected, no matter where it comes from – from any point of the world ocean or from any territory – such a number, so many hundreds of our missiles appear in the air in a retaliatory strike that there is no chance of survival there will be no single enemy left, and in several directions at once.’ 

The West has not threatened a first strike on Moscow and it is only his officials and army of propagandists who have talked up the use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict.

Putin asked the West to understand that threats against Russia are ‘absolutely unacceptable for any potential aggressor’.

He claimed Russia had ‘practically finished work on the modern strategic weapons that I have been talking about and I announced a few years ago’.

He also repeated that Russia may withdraw from the nuclear test ban treaty.


45 Comments on Putin Says He Will Nuke the U.S. and There Will Be No Survivors

  1. This sounds like gaslighting and projection from the (((Deep State))).

    This isn’t at all in line with how President Putin normally speaks. He is very measured and rational in what he says, not “ranting.” That is a means of communication used by the likes of The Kidsniffer and Barry Soetero.

  2. You know what’s really wild? Trump was tougher on Putin than the Obiden regime ever thought about being and we never got threats like this. Biden mouths off and does nothing and everyone knows it.
    Now we have a corrupt tyrannical govt and one that is weak and Putin is ticked off and threatening us.

  3. BULLSHIT! I doubt very much if Putin said that. It sounds like deep state hype to start some shit.

    I trust Putin more than I do all those commie c**ksuckers in our own government!

  4. Never forget the progressive movement was instrumental in passing nuclear weapons’ technology to the USSR. This has been a big act in the worthless fuckers’ wet dreams since the beginning.

  5. I just want to be close enough to be converted to energy instantly, not far enough away to suffer for a week with radiation sickness before I die. “The future’s so bright…I gotta wear shades.” – TimBukThree

  6. “Ranting!” Quoting the Daily f-ing Mail…? This site is ‘really’ dredging the depths of journalistic incredulity now….

    This site posts stories so the readers can comment. And they didn’t disappoint. You, however, did. Maybe you should sit it out when you really know nothing about the community. I trust my readers. I don’t spoon feed them and tell them what to think. Nor do I get twisted up if they disagree. I’m learning. Still learning. Will always learn. -bfh

  7. Whatever Putin is, he’s not an idiot.
    He HAS to know that cockroaches will survive, and ALL of em are demonrats!
    So the Ukraine Laundromat will spin on … and on … and on …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Putin is getting a little paranoid.

    OR more than likely:

    The Propagandists in the Whitehouse and DNC are going for the Nuclear fear factor now that the gig is up on the COVID lies.

    Believe it or not, we’re in God’s hands.


    LocoBlancoSaltine Thursday, 5 October 2023, 16:50 at 4:50 pm

    Now would be a good time to strike since the USA is currently at DeafCon 80.

    (80 yr old deaf con-artist).


    Justin Case Thursday, 5 October 2023, 17:23 at 5:23 pm

    BULLSHIT! I doubt very much if Putin said that. It sounds like deep state hype to start some shit.

    I trust Putin more than I do all those commie c**ksuckers in our own government!

    I tend more to agree with Justin, because I visited Moscow three times in the 90s, met many Russian people who showed high respect for Americans, and from the very first day I touched Moscow soil, I was treated with respect. The ones I knew, went out of their way to always email me in English, wished me back, and opened their homes should I ever visit them again.

    In appreciation, I produced several CD albums of a few of my favorite and great Russian composers, which were distributed World-Wide and were played, I was told by a close Russian friend, all over Russia.

  10. I’am so scared. Is it get under my desk duck & cover time? Feeling the pain of not winning is more the answer. Where in this article is a claim of a limited strike? Article says wipeout of America. Reality says a wipeout goes both ways. By all means Putin is the good guy, Don & his supporters says so. Vlad needs a nuke cocktail quickly. Butt the Former Guy will save us, OH PLEASE, be very very careful when you wish to “Burn it all down” for that will include you. Side note, thank you Mark Gaetz stopping the impeachment was the best move in your short life.
    So, say your prayers & kiss your ass goodbye. Now thats a joke & so is Vlad.

  11. But But But…

    Global warning!!!

    Blah Blah Blah!

    I hate to side with Romney but does anyone remember when that Jackass said he was most worried about Russia & Barky the But Fucker said, ” the cold war’s been over for 20 years”

    I felt the same way. He’s a nuclear mobster a “Z” is a walking dead man. A VERY STUPID walking Dead Man that got suckered by the UN & the Demos into trying to Erase Biden/Demo Corruption.

    They all Knew what he was doing & SANCTIONED IT!

  12. Going toe to toe with the Rooskies? Well,shit. That could be better than a Sweet Meteor Of Death!

    On the other hand, giving him a free shot at the SWAMP would be award-winning!

  13. Pres Putin,
    Please remember that the vast majority of citizens in the US are ordinary people, living ordinary lives.
    If you do feel the need to nuke something please make it a major city along the East coast (New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, DC (#1), Atlanta (close enough)), and leave the rest of the people alone. We’re no threat to you.

  14. Hey pianamusic, we want to hear them, link them up here.

    Josh, the Daily Mail brings more news of what is real than CNN or what ever it is you watch.
    From the whole group, BITE US.


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