How to Explain Social Justice to Childish Lefties – IOTW Report

How to Explain Social Justice to Childish Lefties

The People’s Cube

Two hungry bear cubs found a head of cheese the size of a good piglet lying in the grass.
“We must divide it equally, so as not to deprive anyone,” said the first.
“I am the eldest, I am entitled to more!” said the second and tried to take the cheese from his brother.
“I’m the youngest, I get more due!” the first one shouted.
They began to argue, and then even fight.
Suddenly, a fox emerged onto the clearing.

“Please don’t fight. Such nice little bears, such intelligent and fair-minded two brothers! Allow me to assist you in dividing this cheese equitably, to the satisfaction of all. Our aim is to foster a society where everyone’s rights are upheld through the fair and just redistribution of resources— or in this case, cheese.”
The brothers scratched their heads, exchanged glances, and handed the cheese to the fox. The fox proceeded to…


7 Comments on How to Explain Social Justice to Childish Lefties

  1. It’s been awhile since I last read The People’s Cube.
    Still good stuff.

  2. Old Testament
    Aesop’s Fables
    Greek Mythology

    I don’t fret that sometimes I even conflate the morals taught in these


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