Trump Calls GOP Worst Negotiators He’s Ever Seen – IOTW Report

Trump Calls GOP Worst Negotiators He’s Ever Seen

12 Comments on Trump Calls GOP Worst Negotiators He’s Ever Seen

  1. The only comparable group of negotiators I can think of were the Imperial Japanese in 1945. They had opportunities to stop the war but refused the terms. Kaboom-boom! They then rolled over mighty quickly.

  2. I’m not convinced that it was bad negotiating on McCarthy’s part, so mudh as it was his arrogance. He got what he needed from the demonrats, and then dared Goetz to file the vac-eight motion – and he lost

  3. Here’s the thing: they’re stupid or ‘bad negotiators’: they’re fucking traitors and corrupt as any democrat. They don’t WANT to win – they like it just where they are: raking in money, stabbing us in the back and never have to ansewr for anything. There’s a reason a moron like Ronna Romney McDaniels is the “Chairwoman” of the RNC: she’s been put in place to LOSE.


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