I Live in Florida – I Miss Pizza – IOTW Report

I Live in Florida – I Miss Pizza

29 Comments on I Live in Florida – I Miss Pizza

  1. When I was stationed in Georgia in the 70s it was the same thing, just couldn’t find good pizza – Pizza Hut was about as good as it got. I got into an online conversation with a native Georgian a while ago and he says it’s pretty much the same now. There’s plenty of eye-talians down there, I don’t know what the problem is. I do like a good NY thin slice pizza though.

  2. Crescent Beach just south of St. Augustine has Tony’s Pizza. They have NY pizza that will go heads up with pizza from the city. They also have an ultra thin crust that is amazing.

    I have had Luigi’s in Brooklyn and found just as good if not better in Rutherford/Nutley NJ. My local pizza place is an Italian family from Brooklyn that re-located to NE Atlanta back in 99. They opened a Pizzeria 2 miles away from the house. They now have 5 locations.

  3. No problems up here in Toronto.

    Many many Great individual owned & Family Spots.

    A few of the Chains are quite Good too.

    Thin Crust w. Goat Cheese, Hot peppers, grilled zucchini & Hot Soppressata (type of Pressed salami)

  4. Potato Pizza:

    Thinly slices Par boiled potato, rosemary, garlic, Salt, & a light sprinkle of red chili pepper flakes then cooked in a woof oven.

    No tomato sauce, it is considered a white pizza (Bianca)

  5. I’ve never been to New York, but the best pizza I ever ate was in Wheat Ridge Colorado at a place called Pietras….I have since moved to the middle of everywhere. There was a place in Smith Center Kansas that had wood fired pizza as good as anywhere in America. They had limited days and hours that they were open and then covid hit. They closed. They now do special events and are thinking of selling out of their house maybe two days a week…35 miles away doesn’t work very good….So, it’s Pizza Hut or Caseys truck stop or I need to make my own….

  6. C’mon, now, BFH — don’t be one of those Northerners who comes South to Florida and bitches because it’s different down here. There’s lots of good pizza to be had here, just not New York pizza.

    @willysgoatgruff — You might ask those folks who are 35 miles away if they’ll sell you frozen pizza dough balls. With a good hot oven and a well pre-heated pizza stone you can do a decent job of it at home as long as you’ve got good dough.

    Pro tip: everyone who makes pizza at home needs to try at least once a pie made with shredded Fontina cheese instead of Mozzarella. I love Mozzarella but I love Fontina more.

  7. @Uncle Al…..I can make a good pizza dough, I make a good sauce, but I don’t have a way to cook the pizza at 500 to 600 degrees….That seems to be critical….I’ve even found a source of the perfect pepperoni, you know the little ones that makes little grease cups….Fortuna’s Italian deli in Vermont….They ship…

    This leads to a discussion about what toppings belong on a pizza?….Pietra’s was Pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms and onions, but I’d settle for a great pepperoni pizza every time….

  8. @willysgoatgruff — How hot does your oven get? 500° is too low, and 550° is marginal. But if you’ve got a broiler, you can pre-heat your pizza stone to well above max oven temp. It’s worth a try…

    As for toppings, I’m also a big fan of Old World pepperoni. But one of my favorite combinations is sweet Italian sausage, mushrooms, and onions. Yum!

  9. Growing up in Atlanta, before Dominos, before Pizza Hut, we had Gigi’s Pizza. I loved that pizza. Still the best I ever had, though I haven’t seen a Gigi’s in decades.

    My family used to go to St. Pete beach on vacation, and one of the cool things about that was St. Pete had a Gigi’s, so we could even eat it on vacation. In 1995, my fiance and I went to St Pete, and sure enough, Gigi’s was still there. I got my fix, and even brought some back to Atlanta for my sister. It was that good.

  10. With all the violence, thievery, and ILLEGALS that don’t like pizza in the first place, in about another 3-5 years there won’t be any pizzerias or any restaurants for that matter left in N.Y. Even with the hiring of armed guards, installation of X-Ray body scanners and TSA -type body cavity searches due to the restaurants being Swiss-cheesed from all the drive=by lead flying through them unless they also install armored walls with bullet-proof windows so their customers can feel somewhat safe.

  11. Hey Thirdtwin;…..Fortunas Italian Deli sells you the whole pepperoni sticks. You cuts them like you likes them….I’m not a paid spokesman, but dealing with Patti at Fortunas is a hoot….she’s got a welcoming laugh….


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