NASA Is Paying People To Lock Themselves In A Mars Simulator For A Year – IOTW Report

NASA Is Paying People To Lock Themselves In A Mars Simulator For A Year

Twisted Sifter: We all know that NASA is serious about taking a manned mission to Mars in the relatively near future, so honestly, you might be surprised to learn how much they’re willing to shell out to the people pretending to do just that.

There is a 1700-square-foot simulated Mars habitat at NASA Johnson’s Space Center, and four people have agreed to lock themselves inside for a whole year. The plan is for astronauts and engineers to study what it would be like to live on Mars and figure out ways to keep humans alive in an extreme environment. more

14 Comments on NASA Is Paying People To Lock Themselves In A Mars Simulator For A Year

  1. I hope someone thinks to bring along enough birth control. A pregnancy would be awkward.

  2. I live in an 800 square foot apartment and if I am not hunting or camping. I don’t socialize or acknowledge my neighbors and plain ignore them and enjoy my solitude. I would be perfect study participant

  3. Just like in the space station, a bunch of people have to share one terlet. No thanks. Too many germs.

    I don’t even like having to share the litter box with my cats.


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