What Do You Suppose This Guy Thinks of the Attack on Israel? – IOTW Report

What Do You Suppose This Guy Thinks of the Attack on Israel?

ht/ woody

In New York City, a Muslim man made a threat to all non-believers. “We’re done being tortured and hurt and judged. This is the correct religion. This is the religion that all of humanity needs to be  — Islam.” “We will not stop until it enters every home. So I want you to repeat after me. I want to hear it in every single district. It should tremble Brooklyn should hear it. The Bronx should hear it. Queens should hear it. Say it — There is no God worthy of worship except Allah. The God of Jesus, the God of Moses, the God of Abraham, and the God of the last and final prophet, Muhammed…”

33 Comments on What Do You Suppose This Guy Thinks of the Attack on Israel?

  1. The last time I was in Israel I met some of these Hamas/PLA “followers” through briefly working with the Lutheran Church folks and tourism folks in Bethlehem.

    Believe me now and hear me later when I say they were the most heinous, uncaring, and inflexible people you could ever meet especially when dealing with issues surrounding the church of the nativity and bus transportation you could ever meet.

    They allowed no middle ground, allowed no negotiations,
    and believed intimidation and posturing were art forms.

    Sadly I witnessed the patterns of appeasement the Arab and Israeli Christians were allowing. it was very sad. And doomed to end in what we are seeing now. The only thing these animals (Netanyo called it right) will understand is the strength of arms and their death.

  2. I don’t follow a false prophet who molested a 9-year-old girl; appropriated theology from Jews, Christians, and pagans; kept and traded slaves; allowed the rape of women; disrespects and negates the basic foundations of Christianity; and whose “divinely revealed” book is full of lies. inconsistencies, and just plain BS.

  3. “Believe me now and hear me later when I say they were the most heinous, uncaring, and inflexible people you could ever meet especially when dealing with issues surrounding the church of the nativity and bus transportation you could ever meet.
    They allowed no middle ground, allowed no negotiations,
    and believed intimidation and posturing were art forms.”

    ~ Obsolete Man

    Bravo! … & you have just described every DemonRat that exists today … their goal is the same goal of Islam, the goal of Gog … & MaGog … the goal of everyone in rebellion against The Truth.
    Ask yourself, why do you think they are against Christianity? why do you think they are against Judaism? … all of them, Democrats, Muslims … they’re all the same … Satanists

    understand, we may not win, but we will not lose … resist, fight when you can … the battle is worth the sacrifice … are you willing?

    get yourselves adjusted kiddies …. the shit’s about to hit the fan!

    water, food, ammo … water, food, ammo … water, food, ammo … water, food, ammo
    rinse & repeat

  4. He enters my home I’ll put one in his little mind. Only animals rape and kill young women and parade their naked bodies around like trophies. By the way, several of those guys in that truck have been identified. Seems they all spent a fair amount of time in the UK before they decided to start raping and killing young women. There’s a special place in hell for these faggots. I’m willing to help them find the way.

  5. I follow Rona Perlman on Instagramm. Only so I can cap on his ass should he say something stupid. Well anytime Perlman starts typing it’s stupid. I made a reply to his brain dead comment tonight that read, you fucking idiot, Joe Biden financed this. Got blocked by IG for being racist. WTF over? So I switched the name Biden with Captain Brain dead, and it was posted. If you mention the name Biden, yours racist, BOY

  6. woody… I was in Japan 25 years ago and a park was filthy with homeless Iranians ripping off people by selling phone cards with $0 on them. One day walking to work and the park was empty. Japanese immigration swarmed in a day earlier, loaded them on planes and back to their shit filled homeland.

    The US should do the same.

  7. The children of Ishmael.
    God promised they’d fight with the entire world always.
    They’re worse than animals.
    Animals don’t rape the dead bodies of their victims.

  8. There’s only one thing they understand.

    They are rabid filthy demons who are aligned with the rabid filthy demons both here and abroad.
    Nihilistic totalitarians are allied to the Satanists, even though they claim not to believe in Satan – a marriage of convenience until the filthy ragheads have no further use of them or they have no further use of the filthy ragheads – either way, Earth becomes Hell.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Islam and communism could not exist without terrorism. Neither could survive on their merits. Disagree? They’ll kill you. That’s terrorism. This gullible, insecure, inbred, intellectual lightweight does not want to be killed. O.T. a bit. Ever wonder why Islamic killers shout Allah Ackbar while at the same time their Islamic victims are screaming the same damn thing? These people are nuts.

  10. This is ‘normal’ thought processes for these people of islam. The religion demands it. we have approximately 1500 years of history to prove it. There are no good muslims.
    What we need is another Crusade against islam. We could use someone like Vlad the Impaler to put these people to rest.

  11. Progressivism is the worship of Satan. Part of that is coercion or mandating what others believe and do. That is the tie that binds them to Islamists. Both hold parallel worldviews that are beneath human dignity. Followers of both are subhuman pieces of shit.

  12. Sorry, muzzy, I follow the teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith, who restored the full Gospel of God and Jesus to the Earth. And I follow all the prophets who have come after him in a direct line of God’s power and authority to today. And nowhere in that linage is there ANY imam or muzzie.
    So suck a dozen rotten raw eggs.
    Oh, and if you want to “bring it”, well, I’m waiting…..but I ain’t holding my breath.


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