Steve Garvey Announces Senate Run in California – IOTW Report

Steve Garvey Announces Senate Run in California

I have a slight bone to pick. Garvey’s website, like so many others, does not mention party affiliation. There have been countless stories over the years about a politician in a small town, who maybe tried to exert his authority to get out of a traffic ticket, and I want to write about his party, and it’s nowhere to be found. You can go to the small town government website and they make no mention of the party. WHY?

What is the idea behind this?

Garvey, for the record, is running as a Republican.

8 Comments on Steve Garvey Announces Senate Run in California

  1. Arguably, it’s because they want to have an open, issues-focused discussion. But the reality is that in the end party is the primary indicator of voting expectation. People like Bill Maher set the example, with often rational conversations but a slavish voting habit.
    I may have a photo of me with Garvey, I know I do with a few other Dodgers from early 70s Photo Day at Dodger Stadium. 🙂

  2. I followed Garvey when he was with the Dodgers and the Padres. We had season tickets when the Padres won the 1984 pennant. He was always interested in conservative politics, but his womanizing put a damper on his hopes (a couple of kids by a couple of different women while he was still married, IIRC).

    I don’t expect he has much of chance, seeing as it is California, but you never know.

  3. Small world, I’ve had Padres season tickets since ’84 (except for ’95. I boycotted 1 year after the WS was cancelled). Garvey always came off to me as a phony which is a prerequisite for a politician so he should be good to go.

  4. In looking at his website, he hits all the broad strokes (Crime, education, the economy, and homelessness) but is fuzzy on specifics. Democrats hit the same themes, it is the solutions that separate us, and none were mentioned.

    And riverlife, I wouldn’t worry too much about his womanizing, history has proven that trashing your wedding vows matters little to the voter.

  5. California is a Democrat state. For decades now, the Republican party has given up and ignored California and has effectively ceded California to the Democrats. About the only reason Republicans come to the state is to raise money from places like Orange County and the Inland Empire; the Democrats do the same because they know the national Republican party will ignore California.

    California also has a jungle primary – the top two vote-getters regardless of party are on the November ballot. So while identifying as a Democrat, and particularly as a progressive Democrat, may have some advantages with the electorate, there is no such corresponding advantage to identifying as a Republican.

    Sometimes someone claiming to be a Republican will “challenge” Pelosi for her house seat. Usually, however, that candidate is loonier than Pelosi and no one takes him or her seriously.


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