Never Get Between a Chubby Kid and His Bag of Potato Chips – IOTW Report

Never Get Between a Chubby Kid and His Bag of Potato Chips

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18 Comments on Never Get Between a Chubby Kid and His Bag of Potato Chips

  1. Why was the gun in the car? Probably because the facility was a gun free zone and the mother was not able to bring it in.

    BTW, any description of the 11 year old? Yes, it could go either way, but I know where the smart money is.

    Why would the car, with a gun inside, be unlocked? β€” unless the mother was there. In that case, why didn’t she stop him or take the gun as soon as she got in the car?

  2. It’s a common thread that’s woven into their culture. They have no respect for life including their own. They’ll all be dead before the age of 20, society no longer cares.

  3. aircubed Tuesday, 10 October 2023, 12:44 at 12:44 pm

    Have you seen the price of potato chips lately?

    I was surprised it wasn’t a bag of pork rinds or Cheetos.

  4. Why were they chasing him? Were they about to do what they’re so good at doing and that is several gang up on him and kick his brains in?
    Not defending the kid shooting him, it would have been smarter to jump in and lock the door and if they busted the window, then shot them then he wouldn’t be in jail.


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