I Do Not Want This Video To Be Real – IOTW Report

I Do Not Want This Video To Be Real

Can anyone be this stupid?

ht/ lurker

23 Comments on I Do Not Want This Video To Be Real

  1. I can’t watch stupidity on parade. And like Uncle Al said I didn’t understand anything that they said. Are some people this stupid that they have to put everything stupid that they do on the internet. Get a life, read a book, think, pray do something besides showing everyone just how stupid you are.

  2. The American Psychological Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders doesn’t even have a classification for this level of detachment from reality. This guy’s phone has become an extension of his brain tissue.

  3. I think I would have asked him why he didn’t remember just coming back to get it since he has it already.

    Are you Ok? Did you bump your head? Do we need to take you to the emergency room? Maybe you have a brain tumor!

    This guy would buy that.


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