Who’s at Fault????!!??? LOL – IOTW Report

Who’s at Fault????!!??? LOL

And there are always dickweeds who take the obvious contrary position. Is it their nature, or are they just dumb as sh*t?

I need to be away from people.

30 Comments on Who’s at Fault????!!??? LOL

  1. He might have been able to fit a small dirt bike through that gap, but not that hogger. Probably need to see the previous 20 seconds to see if the car on his right pinched him off.

  2. I rode motorcycles for years and I can’t believe riders would ever attempt that even where legal. You have no idea what’s happening in front of those vehicles and a person’s instinctual response is swerve to avoid.
    Everybody’s in a hurry all the time.

  3. The biker is an asshole and lucky he limped away. I ride as if I am invisible. I stay WAY behind cars so I can control the sitch. My Sportster stops quicker than most common cars.The blue SUV was not close to the line and who cares? The blue SUV did not touch the line. He was legal if he was 1/4″ from the line!

  4. This reminds me of something that happened twenty years ago or so. Some bicycles cut off a police car the gave the cops some fecal mater, thinking it was a Seattle Police car. It wasn’t. It was a King County car. Bad move.

  5. That biker was 100% at fault. Read the writing on the road. It very clearly says, “Lane Expires”. The left lane was quickly coming to an end to merge with the right lane. The cars were in the process of merging with one another. The stupid biker chose to ignore that and tried to elbow his way between the cars because he felt he was entitled and he was impatient. The biker got what he brought upon himself. Lane splitting is highly illegal in Texas and thank God for that. If you pull that crap on the 610 Loop in Houston, you’re going to die because there’s a lot of lane-changing going on at all times. The first time I drove in California, I almost crapped by pants when a biker blasted between me and another car at a high rate of speed. Lane splitting is virtually unheard of in Texas. On the plus side, these idiot bikers provide a steady supply of organs for sick people who need them.

  6. Nothing to do with this situation but it pisses me off when those bikers are riding side by side and the one on the inside crowds the center line. Fools seem to have a death wish. Of course it’s not just bikers. I drive on gravel roads often and believe in giving the other guy plenty of room but with about 30% of the drivers, the more room you give them, the more they take their lane out of the center of the road.

  7. It’s illegal in every state I have lived in for a motorcycle to ride the line like that. Not that that stops most of them.
    Definitely the cyclist fault 100%.

  8. if you choose to not lane split in California other motorcyclists will confront you. If I chose to wear a helmet when I lived there, other motorcyclists confronted me about that. the personality type that leads to riding contains many confrontational pricks.

    I never lane split in CA. I don’t know if it’s legal in NM, because it is irrelevant to me.

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