Egypt moves to prevent mass exodus from Gaza – IOTW Report

Egypt moves to prevent mass exodus from Gaza

Africa News:
Egypt is moving to prevent a mass exodus of Palestinians from Gaza, as Israel’s bombardment of the strip continued on Wednesday.

While Egypt has not officially commented on the situation at Rafah, state-run Ahram Online published a story on Tuesday citing a warning by high-level Egyptian security sources that the country “refuses to allow Gazans to settle in Sinai”, and urged Israel to instead provide safe passage for civilians.

On Tuesday, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi that the escalation in Gaza was “highly dangerous” and that Egypt was pursuing a negotiated solution to the violence with regional and international partners.

The United Nations has said that more than 187000 Palestinians are displaced in Gaza, which has a total population of 2.3 million people. more here

36 Comments on Egypt moves to prevent mass exodus from Gaza


    DHS Admits Biden’s Border Crisis Is Making It Easier For Terrorists To Enter America

    NO SHIT??????!!!!!


  2. Let’s see, a war breaks out and we immediately send money, munitions, all the help they want, and our congress MUST URGENTLY vote in a speaker of the House to guarantee such.

    Meanwhile Egypt tells motherfuckers to pound sand.
    Don’t get me wrong, at least Israel is an ally, not a fucking corrupt-assed grifting country like Ukraine.

    I thought we were fucking done being the world’s fucking police?
    How about we have a “defund the USA world police movement?”

  3. Believe me, the rest of the Arab/Muslim world DOES NOT WANT THE PALESTINIANS WITHIN THEIR COUNTRY.

    They are to Iran what Ukraine is To the BIDEN/DEMOCRAP White House, PROXY FIGHTERS that are DYING for POLITICS.


    That’s the ENDGAME

  4. Loco, what? How do the Jews in America explain the USS Liberty? “the only issue I have with Israel is all the Jews in America that continue to vote democrat.” That doesn’t make sense.

  5. Egypt is complicit in that they have allowed Sinai to flourish as a smuggling center to both Gaza and Israel. They could shut it all down in a week, but there is far too much money to be earned in kickbacks and bribes…kind of like our border with Mexico.

    Sisi has only tenuous control of Egypt. Hamas is countimg on “the street” to rise against the Jews and the West. It might work, especially among disaffected young men (and young women, goading them on). Sisi could choose to go along to get along or stamp it down, as he did when he took power. It’s a crap shoot, but given who’s in the White House….

    I half suspect that the US naval task force off the coast of Israel is there, not so much to defend Israel, as to control its response.

  6. joe6pak WEDNESDAY, 11 OCTOBER 2023, 23:14 AT 11:14 PM

    Having 40% of my clientele being Jewish – and having a Jewish mother that makes me a legit Jew – I can tell you they aren’t monolithic in their liberalism. The more orthodox they are, the more conservative they are.

    I totally agree that their liberalism is their death warrant. I saw this as a child when the atrocities of WW2 was taught to me at my Jewish Mother’s knee. I could not understand why they didn’t have guns and fight for their lives. “Never again” can’t happen if you can’t kill your oppressors. My thoughts as a child: “You stupid, stupid people! FIGHT! RESIST!. Don’t let them kill you so easily!

    In my opinion, the liberal Jews do not really believe in their God. They are the same as the Jews that wandered the desert for forty years and received manna for their sustenance but still didn’t understand that they were entirely dependent on the grace of God for their sustenance.

    All true Christians know to be on Israel’s side. It will be the world against Israel at the end times. Go ahead and be deceived otherwise, You will regret it for eternity.

    The Messiah will defeat all enemies attacking Israel by Himself while the saints will witness it it. It is written in the Word of God.

    NOW is NOT the end times, but a sign that it is getting closer. Israel will not ever be defeated.

    Choose what side you are on wisely. It doesn’t seem you are at the moment.

    Read the book of Revelation to know what is coming and how to recognize it correctly.

    The third temple hasn’t been built yet. Therefore, the 7 years of tribulation is not at hand yet. But it’s getting closer.

    Become familiar with the book of Revelation.

  7. Loco, granted I’m proud to wear my tin foil hat but you’re completely avoiding the issue. Why did Israel attack the USS Liberty? Why did the US sweep it under the rug? Why are you only questioning why the US Jewish population votes democrat? You might need to be fitted for a tin foil hat.

  8. joe6, we may be taking our eyes off the ball in that they are planning some worldwide terrorist bullshit come Friday.
    May be a big bluff, but hell, now is a great time to fuck shit up in the USA.

    “Who will take the 3 AM phone call?”
    HAHAHA! Good times!
    Hell, who is taking the fucking 3 PM PHONE CALL IN THE USA?

  9. Dadof4, it’s likely you’ve misunderstood my statement. I’m of the opinion that the vast majority of individuals worldwide are peaceful, honorable (maybe not muslims) people. It’s governments that cannot be trusted! Our government, Israel’s government, and all the others. We also can’t trust most NGO’s, the UN, the WEF, I could go on but I’ll cut my losses here.

  10. Loco, I’m not taking my eye off the ball for Friday. We all need to be aware of the potential of these maniacs to raise all kinds of hell. I’ll be as prepared as I can be. It needs to be our standard operating procedures from here on out.

  11. Dadof4, I think you have me confused with Loco. This is what he said at 11:31, “joe6, the only issue I have with Israel is all the Jews in America that continue to vote democrat.” You can’t stick that on me.

  12. “Loco, are you sure Israel is an ally. How is the USS Liberty explained. I believe Israel is an ally only when it serves their objectives. They are as untrustworthy as we are.”

    The Liberty explained: during the 6 day war the Israelis had a lieutenant who was raised in an Arab community. He spoke Arabic in a flawless west bank accent. They put him in a hotel in Tel Aviv with a radio transmitter. He was directing Jordanian artillery to fire on Egyptian infantry, and Syrian tanks to shell Jordanian infantry. It was estimated after the war that he was worth an extra division in the 6 day war.

    The Liberty was an intelligence gathering ship. A lieutenant on board was trying to tell the Israeli command what they thought was going on. The Israelis had no secure way to tell the Liberty to shut up. The Israelis had no other way to stop this officer from rendering their officer useless.

    This fact has been known since the early ’80s.

  13. Thank you explainist, now try and convince joe6.
    I have spent a lot of time working all over Israel and know the people.
    joe6 always thinks the worst and relies on internet nutjobs for his info far too much.
    joe6 is a good man, just prefers to work the opposite of Occam’s Razor…

  14. Egypt is well aware that the Palestinians aren’t worth a fuck.
    Haven’t been worth a fuck since … well … Casluhim planted his seed in the belly of a whore … or was it the ass of a goat?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  15. explainist, that looks like a Wikipedia version of events. I s’pose that’s possible, I’ve read a fair amount about this incident and that isn’t brought up as a contributing factor.

  16. Islam turns gardens into deserts. The only real goal of Islam is to destroy all that is not Islam, once that is done it must purify itself. There are many sects in Islam, each claiming to be the one correct reading of the book, and each required by the book to destroy all incorrect readings of the book.

    Allowed to proceed to its illogical conclusion Islam features the one perfect man, standing on a pile of smoking rubble, surrounded by the mangled bodies of all those imperfect moslems he has dispatched in the final battle, no one left to suggest even the slightest apostasy as all but he are dead and gone.

    Islam makes a desert wherever it exists. This is built into the creed, and no one may change a single word of the book.

    The ‘Palestinians’ are just another tool in the war against non-Islam, to be used as is most appropriate to destroy whatever not Islam is the target of the moment.

  17. Getting outta hand. What the Jews want to exterminated everyone there. So nothing was ever learned from WWII. Driving them out is one thing but to justify mass killing is another. They are no better than the Germans in WWII. The Bible says the next war is started in the Middle East, looks like we are here. Kill em all, oh no not quite, Muslims are everywhere….

  18. “Israel is an ally only when it serves their objectives.”

    The government of Israel serves the people of Israel (at least some of the time); the government of the US seems to be more interested in the welfare of Ukrainians, Iranians, Hamas and the invaders of our southern border most of the time.

    I don’t fault Israel for putting their interests first, I just wish the government of the US had some interest in its CITIZENS beyond how much wealth can be extracted from them via taxes.


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