Advocate for Palestinians Among those Killed by Hamas – IOTW Report

Advocate for Palestinians Among those Killed by Hamas


Cindy Flash — a 67-year-old Minnesota native — and her 66-year-old husband, Igal Flash, were among more than 1,300 people murdered by Saturday’s brutal Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Flash’s family described her as a “staunch advocate for the rights of Palestinians” and an outspoken opponent of Israeli military action. More

17 Comments on Advocate for Palestinians Among those Killed by Hamas

  1. When you support Terrorists from within Israel and when the terrorists go on a rampage of slaughter, terrorists don’t discriminate, you will be murdered, Jew, Christian or muslims.

    You can thank Biden and the U.S. Government for their recent $750,000,000 payment to the Gaza Terrorist Regime. Thank also IRAN and AFGHANISTAN for providing weapons and missiles used daily to murder the people of Israel of all faiths and political beliefs.

  2. Fool. Clueless, emotional fool. As small children Palestinian kids are programmed to kill Jews. They are indoctrinated beyond hope. NOTHING is going to undo the damage. They cannot be reasoned with, much like this air headed bleeding heart liberal. She deserved her fate.

  3. Flash’s family described her as a “staunch advocate for the rights of Palestinians” and an outspoken opponent of Israeli military action.

    Not any more! Collateral damage. I don’t understand why any American being for the muzzies, but then again, I don’t think like a liberal does.

  4. Read the book q’ran and do not say the invocation. The moslem book is very clear. Jihad is the duty of all moslems. By whatever means all the world must be brought to Islam. By whatever means.

    The only Abrahamic religion that informs me is Christianity. The others are in error.


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