What Happens At the Rapture? – IOTW Report

What Happens At the Rapture?

16 Comments on What Happens At the Rapture?

  1. On a serious note. There are 2 resurrections, the first fruits resurrection of the righteous (similitude of Levitt priests) which will serve Yahshua in the Temple (New Jerusalem). The 2nd is at the end of the Millennium, each judged for their ‘works’ in life.

    The man made ‘rapture’ doctrine is as delusional as some of the rabbinic ‘fill-ins’ for ‘back stories’ to Abraham, etc…

  2. CoMiM-correct. No such thing as a “rapture”, much less a “secret rapture”.

    Also, we are in the millennium. Most NT Biblical Prophesy deals with the destruction of Jerusalem, Jesus judging apostate Israel and the wiping out of the remnants of OT practices and “worship”.

  3. Every time that the Rapture has been predicted it’s been 100% wrong. I think that the Rapture was invented to scare people into heaven which has never worked. No thanks to Hal Lindsay and his bs book The Late Great Planet Earth back in the 1970’s. I hate the Left Behind books, they are Christian garbage of the worst kind designed to scare the hell out of people and made Hal Lindsay mega rich laughing all the way to the bank. The Millerites back in the 1830’s and 40’s believed they were going to be raptured and it never happened, and they became the Seventh Day Adventists. And so, did the crazy Mormons under Joseph Smith believe it as well and so they formed their own phony baloney religion.

  4. No one knows the day or the hour of Christ’s return. Bible says that at Christi’s second coming, “every eye shall see him even those that pierced him.” Sounds to me like resurrection going on there. Several interpretations bounced around by many so-called scholars. If you’re a true believer of Christ, you’ll be at the resurrection. I pray the Lord cuts his work short – he said he might do that too.

  5. Paul specifically mentions the dead in Christ and the remaining believers will be caught up to meet Christ to escort him back to earth in Thessalonians 4:13-18. But, when evangelical Christians use the term “rapture”, they mean the “pre-millenial rapture”, a Luciferian lie that was promoted by J. N. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren sect that was started in 1831 in Ireland and Britain. Darby was also the original proponent of Dispensationalism and the “jews” are Israel, while the Church is merely a bunch of “gentiles”. We would call the Plymouth Brethren a cult, and do so today, since they still exist. But, Darby was an Anglican that wanted to form his own cult. He proved he was a cult leader when he formed the Exclusive Brethren in response to an argument he had with one of the other men that started the Brethren. Exclusive Brethren could not even eat with another Brethren if they did not accept Darby’s view of eschatology. Even though he was in England, the English really didn’t take to his doctrines. They did take hold in America through the work of C. I. Scofield and his Scofield Reference Bible. If you study the life of Scofield, you will find he left his wife and child, was in jail for a year on a forgery charge, used the title Doctor although he never was, was a lawyer but never went to law school or took a bar exam, and in general behaved as though he was not Christian. It is instructive to study the way in which Christianity was infiltrated and subverted in the 19th century with false doctrine which has perverted most forms of the Church, both Protestant and Catholic.

  6. I am no biblical scholar and never will be, but I do hold my Faith and Hope in Jesus Christ.

    For 2000 (+ or-) years, generations have fervently prayed for Christ’s return in their lifetime.

    Like the many generations before me, with Hope and Faith, I too will have left this earthly existence before Christ’s return. No hesitation, no worry, no fear. All in God’s perfect timing.

    I can only imagine.

  7. The rapture and its timing aren’t made-up or twisted interpretations. The exact timing no one but the Father knows, but the birth pains are spelled out in the Bible. The rapture is also not an escape or escapist sensibility. God’s word to us is that we shall receive the Crown of Righteousness, not only for claiming the faith granted by God, but for our hope and anticipation of his appearing.

    Don’t take my or anyone else’ word for it. Read the Bible.

  8. Many thumbs up to Cato and AbigailAdams. The Rapure is real, even though not the word used in the Holy Bible to describes what will occur during Christ’s return. It is not fiction or manipulation.
    Pre-Tribulation, Post-Tribulation or Mid-Trbulation – Doesn’t matter when it happens if you know Christ as Savior and Lord.
    Count on it, the Rapture, meaning being “caught up”, specifically, Christians/”the faithful” (who believe and obey) joining Christ in the air when he returns will occur. For those in Christ the “Rapture” is a joyful event filled with holiness and praise.

  9. The most important thing to remember and live by: Jesus Christ is the way, truth, and life for all humanity. God loved his creation in that He allowed His only Son to become the scapeGoat and remediation of our sinful (imperfect) state. Believe on Him (and in) and receive life.

    God takes of the rest – whatever ticket to eternity you get. Me, I’m hoping for even a broom closet in the small shack there…


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