And the Dominoes in the Middle East Begin to Fall – IOTW Report

And the Dominoes in the Middle East Begin to Fall

This is a plausible scenario-

32 Comments on And the Dominoes in the Middle East Begin to Fall

  1. Israel has always fought for survival, not ‘Co-existence’. There has never been ‘co-existence’ throughout History, won’t be any today or tomorrow neither …
    & if their backs are to the wall & they no longer desires to be the dog that bites after its master keeps kicking him (“now, be nice … good boy!”) … nukes are very plausible.

  2. Hamas, along with Iran, are the ugly rabid dogs in the Middle East.

    So the Palestinians are beating the dead horse of wanting more land? So did Germany in WWII. It’s a no-win situation for them. They will rue the day they launched the attack against Israel last week. They will be far worse off than ever in the very near future.

    Gaza is their home. It would have better living conditions if they halved their population to a more reasonable total of 1 million or less.

    Palestinian men need to rape a lot more goats and leave their women alone. The UN could make itself useful for a change by sending boatloads of rubbers to Gaza.

  3. Bad neighbors for sure. Israel tried to play nice and that’s what happens.
    Is that a rocket in your kitchen or are you just glad to see me?
    Let the other Muslim countries take them, they aren’t working out there.

  4. Hey Loco r u really that stupid?
    Nukes are 4 children little one.
    See nukes will be total wipeout, while u & ur felon comrades love this, it is a long long far far away dream. Not today.

  5. As you all know, I tend to upset a few regulars here and it feels really good.
    I don’t do it on purpose, it just happens by me being me.

    That said, when I upset some leftist anon by wishing death to the scum of the earth and they get their panties wadded, I get all warm & tingly inside.

  6. I watched a United States Congress man wear his IDF uniform into session today. fucking really? Whose best interest does he have at hart? Ours or Israel’s? Mark Levin runs his mouth tonight. Same question. On and on. Make no mistake, these terrorist pos’s need to be whipped off the face of the earth. But under terms that are best for our country not there’s. If you wear an IDF uni to a session of Congress you do not rep my country, you rep yours and you should immediately step down

  7. Iran has nukes, too (unless they’re too fukkin stupid to put the U-235 into the proper configuration).
    They’ve certainly had enough time – since Obola was in office.
    Are the Egyptians, Arabs, Lebanese, Iraqis, Jordanians, Syrians, and Iranians dumb enough to want to die for the filthy, amoral, retarded, psychopathic Palestinians? Probably not – they want the Palestinians to die for THEM.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Nope.
    Let Israel take care of Hamas. They have lots of equipment from us already. They’ve fought them back before.
    If Iran nukes Israel there will be nukes flying everywhere anyway. Just see what Israel does on its own first.
    Sometimes these people who want us to jump feet first into every war make me think of leftist young people who always seem to need a cause.

  9. Anonymous Saturday,

    “One moe ding, if you filed false US tax returns, we will come, have a nice day.”
    Ms. Lerner give me a call, I’ll be home all day with Mike.

  10. Congressman Brian Mast wore his IDF uniform in response to Rancid Taliban’s flying the Palestinian flag. He is an American veteran, medically discharged after losing both his legs to an IED, after which he VOLUNTEERED in the IDF. He is not Jewish or Israeli, but an American Christian. Get your facts straight before you run your mouth.

  11. Dear Chuckie

    I don’t care if he’s a Japanese American Hindu. He took an oath to a foreign government you fool. You should think before you run your mouth. You’re just a stupid as that other guy.

  12. us army used to have a crew-served nuke system – looked like an rpg on a tripod – davy crockett. probably still some hiding in a warehouse, even after many decades – you know how well they keep track of things. israel probably has their own version by now – could reduce the toll on their troops & hardware.

  13. No one likes the people who call themselves Palestinians. They got stuck there because no Arab country would have them and Israel had no stomach for genocide. They live off money scraped off the international community of dummies, look at an aerial picture of the place, no farm land to speak of, no industry, nothing but housing. Arab states only give money for weapons, they use these people as cannon fodder.

    Gaza is an enormous example of a culture of dependence, it looks pretty much like any American welfare ghetto. European, too. Quit feeding them and they’ll quit breeding new ones.

    You can ignore reality but it won’t ignore you.


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