Fake Food And GMO Crops – IOTW Report

Fake Food And GMO Crops

AND: Lab-grown meat is now on American grocery store shelves. Our government says they are safe to eat. But are they safe?

20 Comments on Fake Food And GMO Crops

  1. “Unsurprisingly, oligarchs are investing in fake meat. Bill Gates and Britain’s Richard Branson invested in Upside Foods, giving it a value of more than $1 billion. Gates is also investing in Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, and Hampton Creek Foods. Gates says lab-grown meat will somehow lessen global warming, end inhumane treatment of animals, and cure a growing global food crisis. Peter Theil, an oligarch born in Germany, also gave a substantial grant to Modern Meadow, a company using animal stem cells to do “tissue engineering” to create meat and leather with 3D printing technology.”
    (from the article)

    All you really need to know – if Nazi eugenicists support it – it’s probably pernicious.
    That, and only a fool would believe any claim of the FedGov.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I trust Das Gooberment about lab grown meat, as much as I trust them about the Food Pyramid.

  3. Who would trust our politicized government? After what the government did to us with Covid, it’ll take years for the government to earn our trust again. The White House, Senate, FBI, DoJ, IRS, FDA, CDC, all politicized and corrupt to the core. DoD not far behind.


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