Israeli Boy Featured in COVID Vaccine Campaign Dies of Heart Attack at Age 8 – IOTW Report

Israeli Boy Featured in COVID Vaccine Campaign Dies of Heart Attack at Age 8


An Israeli boy featured in a video used to push COVID vaccines on children in a nationwide campaign died tragically from a sudden heart attack in late September. The boy was only 8 years old.

According to reports, Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, grandson of a distinguished physician in Beit El, Dr. Mati Erlichman, “died unexpectedly of cardiac arrest while taking a bath.”

The 8-year-old boy is said to have “slipped under the water after his heart suddenly stopped beating, causing him to drown.” After being rushed to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, Yonatan died a few days later on Sept. 28.

In 2020, at the age of 5, the child had appeared in a video produced by the regional council of Mateh Binyamin. The video was part of a government program aimed at pushing COVID vaccines on children, despite the nearly universal immunity of children to COVID-19.

The video made Yonatan a “poster child” for the vaccine campaign in Israel, which became one of the most draconian nations in the world for vacci


22 Comments on Israeli Boy Featured in COVID Vaccine Campaign Dies of Heart Attack at Age 8

  1. “The most disturbing trend in the last few years is the destruction of the innocence of childhood in an attempt to validate insecure and sick adults.” -Author Unknown

    And not just their innocence… their very lives.

  2. It Wasn’t the Vax.

    They will blame it on the Kid’s poor lifestyle choices.

    He ate way to many fatty foods, smoked 2 Packs a day, a cases of beer a week & Vodka every night.

  3. There will be a day in the future when the truth of what has been happening will come to light and be known for what it is. Just like the Nazi death camp soldiers being held liable for their part in the atrocities being committed against innocent peoples. Too little too late, as far as I’m concerned.

    Many will wonder, as I have over the last 60 years, why the people didn’t wise up and shoot the people intending to kill them in the moment it was happening.

    Liberals getting away with murder, is what is happening. People call the Nazis “right wing” when it’s leftists that do what the Nazis did.

    I can explain further if you’re so stupid as to call the Nazis right wing in modern terms.

    If Nazis were “right wing”, then the Dem party is a right wing atrocity and the people identifying as right wing today would be something entirely different from that.

  4. I enjoy the sacrifice.

    I like it better when you kill ’em little and rip them piece by piece from the womb, but the jab is good too.

    Being a false God, who am I to judge?

    Just keep serving them up. I haven’t had action like this since the Old Testament days!

  5. Just Axing
    SUNDAY, 15 OCTOBER 2023, 21:11 AT 9:11 PM
    “Who in their right mind would even think of giving this crap to their kids?”

    Normalcy bias.

    We’re used to vaccines actually being vaccines and doctors not being active, state-controlled participants in murdering our children. Kind of like when you see dudes flying into a concert on motorized lawn chairs with brightly colored parachutes, your first thought isn’t that they are going to start machine gunning you.

    This normalcy bias causes a lot of people to die until others learn that they are being actively attacked by the example of their deaths.

    Welcome to the current year.

    You won’t be staying long if your own government has anything to say about it.

  6. Matthew 2-18

    “In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.”

  7. Look further down in the story, and you’ll see an even younger boy who was the poster child in Argentina who died kissing the mother who sentenced him to death.

  8. Normalcy bias can misinform decisions even in inherently abnormal and deadly situations.

    Take hijacking, pre- and post-911.

    Before that, starting from the ’70s, it was quite common for Muslims to hijack aircraft. Yes, there’d be inconvenience, extreme fright, angry young guys yelling at you in an incomprehensible jibberish while pointing weapons at you, but it pretty invariably ended in some government somewhere negotiating your release (especially in the Carter years), and you’d get to be on the news and have a good story to tell to boot. They might blow the plane up on the tarmac somewhere to make a point, but you’d get off it first. It even got to be a joke, with some former hostages suggesting packing little forehead pillows for all the times you’d have your head pressed into your knees.

    Then 911 happened.

    The hijackers played into the normalcy bias, even telling FAA controllers “we are returning to the airport” so they wouldn’t get shot down prematurely. The passengers thought the same, right up until the planes started hitting the buildings.

    Only on the latest, United 93 that was delayed by pre-takeoff events, did passengers learn by new communications technology that this was no ‘ordinary’ hijacking. They then fought like they had nothing to lose, which they at that point did not. The outcome for the passengers was the same but the hijackers at least were thwarted.

    That normalcy bias is gone now. Anyone acting dickey on a plane will get dog piled and duct taped. Unfortunately we have those biases in most other areas of our lives, from vaccines to paragliders, and only a dramatic mass murder will change that…and, with vaccines, even that isn’t enough

    At the end of the day, we simply don’t want to believe other people want to casually kill us.

    And that is the most dangerous normalcy bias of them all.

  9. Someone outta run an ad using him as the poster boy, and then a casket to show how it ended for him. That would be a great message! He makes a great example of a parent’s love for their child. I no longer have it in me to feel sorry for these idiots. Feeling good each day that I am a pure blood.

  10. @even steven Monday, 16 October 2023, 0:32 at 12:32 am

    People who wear masks give their kids that mRNA poison.

    I was in CVS yesterday and the clerk had a mask on. She kept fumbling with it, touching it, handling my merchandise and money. I kept my mouth shut. Got a survey email from CVS asking how my visit went. I was able to make a comment about the mask, and asked how the clerk was protecting me from her filthy face mask. Put it right back on them!


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