I Fart in Your General Direction, Lady – IOTW Report

I Fart in Your General Direction, Lady

I don’t care what comes out of your disgruntled ugly mouthhole.

38 Comments on I Fart in Your General Direction, Lady

  1. A great example of why I avoid people! Especially leftist bitches.

    They lure you in, make you feel that you are participating in a respectful conversation, then WHAM! out comes the machete, swinging as they not only tell you WHAT you think, but also what you MEANT to say!

  2. What kind of a dinner was this???
    Why would this talk even happen unless the woman who is the accuser is the actual racist? She was just looking for a reason to attack.
    Who’s the racist?

  3. Probably the “slightly Hispanic” & the Hand Slap/clap.

    But apparently being surrounded and asked to tell them how you are racist at supper is lovely.

  4. Those “melanated” women are racist and whiny and looking to have power over others.
    I’d have said, “F*** you and the white hating, racist horse you rode in on” and left.
    Did those women subject themselves to that anti whiteism for money, attention or self hate?
    Aarrgh. Stupid people.

  5. It’s racist to accuse others of racism.
    In fact, it’s racist to even notice racism – with the exception of genuine racism – such as that the Nazis, demonrats, Turks, Spanish, and negroes practice (just five examples).

    Herodotus posited that every man will choose his own culture/city/nation as the best.
    That’s not racism – that’s self-preservation.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Ha ha ha (laughs in racism) Gettin sick of this crap.

    I’d tell them all to get a life but that ain’t gonna happen so they can all go forth and multiply. In other words, get fugged.

  7. My answer to what is your secret racist act would be, accepting the invitation to this POS struggle session/dinner. Then I would have gotten up and left the group. Buh bye biotches.
    And I would have been laughing the whole way home!!!
    With friends like this…..

  8. these people are idiots. this is what “equality” gets you. for her to be “equal” the i.q. standards have to be lowered so she can keep up and everyone has to pretend that she is intelligent. this woman, and all the other minorities sitting with her are idiots. the white women have been beaten down so much that they are afraid to speak the truth. she is allowed to be as racist as she wants to be. white people need to wake up and start ignoring stupidity when they see it. so what if the only thing morons can do is cry racism. that proves they have no real argument. in the meantime the culture that made America great is being destroyed.


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