Has Alicia Keys Been Railroaded With a Coincidence? – IOTW Report

Has Alicia Keys Been Railroaded With a Coincidence?

Alicia Keys is being accused of posting an homage to Hamas.

You be the judge-

The leather jacket has the colors of the Palestinian flag.

One last thing- her husband is Muslim.

She vehemently denies any meaning and says it was a coincidence.

20 Comments on Has Alicia Keys Been Railroaded With a Coincidence?

  1. “The leather jacket has the colors of the Palestinian flag.“

    It’s no coincidence that Islam’s color is green and the fourth horse of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:8) is green. The rider of that horse is Death and it kills with the sword (decapitation).

  2. Unless we have proof of her joining the riots spouting death to Israel, it really doesn’t matter what her intentions were.

    But likely it was a thinly veiled shout out to the terrorists.

  3. Too many videos out there of brainwashed HS/college students spewing Pali-Muzzie hatred. The next generation is in real trouble due to our school system’s indoctrination!

  4. Four “coincidences”; the color of the jacket, the reference to paragliding, the timing, and the fact her husband is a Muslim. No, she is a Hamas supporter. And a liar.

  5. Who cares?
    She means nothing in my life, including this latest tempest in a teapot.

  6. Really, who cares? Why does any one care what some stupid celebrity thinks, says, or does? I have no idea what is actually going on in the middle east, I want the US protected and that is all. Let them fight it out amongst themselves, get all American soldiers across the world back here and ready to defend their own country. Enough with this crap.

  7. Christ Almighty, Biden sends Hamas a $BILLION Dollars over the past 3 years and folks are upset about a damn jacket and a know nothing Palestinian supporter.

    Let me break it down:
    #1 A $BILLION dollars to given to HAMAS to destroy ISRAEL

    #2 A leather jacket with color that reflects the Palestinian flag; worn by a nobody who’s married to a muslim.

    Between #1 and #2
    Which has a greater bearing on the criminality of Joe Biden’s effort to fund the Palestinians effort to wipe ISRAEL off the Map?

    A Leather Jacket
    $1 BILLION DOLLARS of US TAXES to build thousands of rockets, buy weapons and fund a murderous invasion of ISRAEL?

  8. She is a greasy piece of shit. Fuck her, fuck her musloid husband, and fuck all muslims with zyklon b.

    Rappers are scum of the highest water…. now consider negro-rapper-muslim scum, and you get the idea.


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